Monday, October 31, 2011

PI Update: Return of the PI Philharmonic

Happy Halloween and welcome to the spookiest place at Disney World, beautiful Pleasure Island. Blog reader Right Guard tells us that the long lost Pleasure Island Philharmonic, er at least the percussion section, was parading on the Island last night! I'm not familiar with them as they must predate my association with PI. They marched down Hill Street to the Hub, went past Mannequins to the Lily Pad where they gave an unexpected concert! They'll be back on the Island tonight. Thanks for sharing Right Guard! Meanwhile on the West Side:


  1. Kind of pathetic, isnt it?

  2. I guess if you want the"real" entertainment, you'll have to fork out the $83.00 and go into one of the parks.

  3. We all know that Disney ONLY wants to entertain the little children. Its ironic, though, because they aren't the ones with the credit cards!!!!!

  4. To compete with Death Drums at Universal...HA. :-P

  5. Looks like that construction wall that I posted a few days earlier is no longer there.
