Monday, October 24, 2011

PI Update: Adventurers Club Exterior Objects

For those of you who have been following the story of the Adventurers Club artifacts, you're aware that recently all references to the club's name were removed from the exterior of the Adventurers Club building on beautiful Pleasure Island. At the same time the few remaining artifacts that were still in place in front of the club were removed. Blog reader Victoria reports that the Gypsy Moth, Sphinx and assorted vases have now been placed in areas visited by the trams of the Backlot Tour at Disney's Hollywood Studios!
Close up of some of the AC artifacts now on display at DHS. Thanks for the photos and report, Victoria!
Archive photo taken this past July at AC prior to the plane's removal. In other news, Blog reader Jason reports to the Blog that blackout paper/felt has now been added to the downstairs windows of the Adventurers Club. You'll recall in the October 12th article the Blog speculated that if Disney were to secretly be working inside some of the clubs that they'd have to block the windows to keep people from peaking in.  The upstairs and side windows had already been blacked-out. Now even the downstairs windows (which are not accessible to the general public) have been blacked-out.  Sure have to wonder why!


  1. I would guess so Disney CM's do not get a look in and get pics! to keep some guessing what Disney is doing?

  2. I've always wanted to see the other side of the tail fin! Still can't see it in these photos. To see it at the club you'd have to have been on the roof, or on the balloon ride.

  3. Yeah, I never knew "Adventurers Club" was writtin on the side of the plane.

  4. why at DHS? seems really random - or do the objects have some film link that I missing?

  5. No movie link...but the objects in question have been repainted. Where better to test the hardiness of the paint (and any outdoor proofing agents) than at an outdoor attraction where the appearance of props will not be questioned. Also, with the prerecorded spiel in place, it puts them in a position where CMs are unlikely to be questioned or talk about them. Just sayin'...


  6. I bet the CM's don't know a thing about the artifacts; they'd tell you they just showed up one day!

  7. My friend and I have one of our BEST vacations at the Adventurers Club. I can't begin to tell you how heart breaking it is that they've closed it. Even now it depresses me.

    We all vote to bring it back. Come on Disney. Do the right thing. Give us back our Club.
