Friday, October 21, 2011

Come On Disney, Let's Reopen 8TRAX!

Dear Mickey:

If you would be so kind, please let me reopen 8TRAX. I've got the money, I've got the DJ's, you've got the place. Let's make beautiful Disco music together, 70's style. You and I. At Pleasure Island.

The thing about a 70's Disco format is that it would not succeed anywhere but in vacation meccas such as Pleasure Island, CityWalk and on cruise ships. In these locations there is a constantly changing stream of potential customers who are drawn-in by the kitsch that is 70's Disco; the parade of hit music, the crazy fashions, the iconic celebrities of those days. My visit to Studio 54 earlier this week confirmed my belief of the drawing power of Disco. Disco is family-friendly.  Everyone from every age group knows the songs and the words. A reopened 8TRAX could be family-oriented into mid-evening and then switch to an all-adult format later on. It's a fun night out that they can't get back home. Another great vacation memory. At Disney.   

Well think about it and let me know!  Thanks, KINGBOB

PS-If we can't use the 8TRAX name, not a problem. I've got some other cool names we can use instead!


  1. what are your other names then?

  2. I'll be there 3 nights a week!

  3. King Bob,
    This is was a very very good report.
    People enjoyed 8Trax years ago and still enjoy hearing the 70's and the 80's music going into the late hours.
    So this goes to show you that people are still hoping for 8Trax to reopen,which we all hope happens soon.
    So lets get out the "Van-Halen, ZZ-Top, and Cult Jam" and all the other big hits that people still enjoy.

  4. I talked to some folks from the UK at the Eat to the Beat show (Howard Jones) at Epcot Saturday night. They had fond memories of PI. Where did they go on their current trip? Off property, to 80s night at the Groove (which they deemed as "rubbish.")

    Still, the point remains. People from all over the world want PI back. So bring it back!

  5. remember one thing Bill Disney never makes Mistakes! NEVER!!!

  6. Anon at 7:16am, can't share worthy names.

    Daisy, thanks.

    Anon at 12:31pm, I know a LOT of people who would be there a LOT of times!

    Anon at 10:07pm, most people associate the 70's with Disco, Soul & Funk but the names you mention, Hard Rock bands, certainly originate from the 70's as well.

    Bill, about 20% of the hits on this site are from foreign addresses. Yes, PI had (has) a huge international following.

    Anon at 1:44am, they made at least one HUGE one!

  7. Not to far from Animal Kingdom on 192, (coming soon)
