Sunday, October 16, 2011

Club Reports: Suite B Lounge, Zen Exotic Lounge, Church Street Station, Independent Bar

Absolutely beautiful evening in Orlando last night with no heat, no humidity.....and in the case of Suite B Lounge, no dancers. A good lineup of south Florida DJ's including DJ's Chris Martin (pictured), Prizm and Mark Ivan unfortunately did not bring out the crowd.

The music was mostly Progressive and what I would call Electronica and later even some Vocal House but the dance floor stayed empty during my visit. Next Saturday night local DJ favorites Chris Fortier and Andy Hughes should pack the place!

Over on Pine Street another club carcass has been added to the pile at this location. Zen Exotic Lounge has now bitten the dust. Let me count the other bodies in this pile: Blue Room, Red Velvet, Voyage, Deja Vu Ultra Lounge and now Zen. The Blog reported on Zen several times due to its incredible sound system and electronic dance music format (and scantily-clad dancing girls in the windows) but when walking by recently I had noticed Hip Hop blaring from the speakers which I interpreted to be a last desperate attempt for relevance. But it was more like a kiss of death. Cause of Death: Improper Marketing

Over on Church Street these drummers using overturned paint buckets try to make a buck or two off passersby but they're usually just ignored. But they became their own dance club last night as a crowd gathered.......

......and were dancing to the beat! Pretty cool spontaneous happening.

And a typical Saturday night at Independent Bar as lighting tech Ernie (left) worked with DJ Indie John put out early to mid-80's New Wave/Old Wave classics.

No shortage of dancers here.

With so much rain in town last Saturday night keeping people home, the pent-up demand brought everyone out to make up for lost time.

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