Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Club Report: Red Coconut Club

Tuesday night at Red Coconut Club in CityWalk; Hospitality Industry Night.

Don't normally go out on Tuesdays but could not miss DJ Tillman's (One80 Grey Goose Lounge, Ice Bar) new night at RCC.

Had not seen Tillman since he was upstairs in the corner of The Groove in the Blue Room for his Blue Room Sessions earlier this year. Tillman's format at the Coconut is Top 40 Dance and House. Electronic Dance Music is no stranger at RCC; DJ Baby Anne had a Tuesday night residency here a few years ago.

My early evening visit found the dance floor empty but actually tables beside me here, over in VIP and chairs at the bar had people in them. Hopefully those of you that are able to go out on Tuesdays will give this new night a try.We're seeing more and more EDM at CityWalk!


  1. as long as they advertise it people will come! I was going to go but too much going on, maybe later this month or early Nov

  2. Readers, Blog roving reporter Thommy is headed to Australia for a couple weeks and promises us some club reports from down under!

  3. Hey Bob! Just read your update about RRC. We were there at the bar (entrance bar with Tracy and Lorrie (bartenders), not the back (stage bar))....left about 11:30ish... Steve Tillman was playing alright music, but you are right, quiet night. The bartenders said that "if" they get busy, it doesn't til around midnight, even though we didn't see that happening tonight. Can't believe we missed you, not that we would know what you look like, but.... LOL.... Have a good night!
