Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PI Update: Kungaloosh Drink Eliminated

Just last month both Laffers Cantina and PI Live Bar were still offering the Kungaloosh drink on their specialty drink menu board.

The Kungaloosh is no longer listed, having been replaced with the Rumrunner. Sad of course but sources say they weren't selling a whole lot of them anyway. Interestingly, the Blog mentioned this change back in a February 2, 2011 article yet the sign was not changed until six months later.


  1. I've heard from someone, not to worry about the Kungaloosh dissapearing from the outside bars, because that will be returning elsewhere! Also, the Adventurere Club Juice Cart has been moved! Figures that it no longer obstructs view of the entrance when there are no more props to be seen. Thankfully, it is still labeled as "Adventurere Club Juice Cart"!

  2. Where did they move it to?

  3. The cart was moved just to the left of the wheelchair ramp that leads up to the Adventurers Club entrance.

  4. funny thing is that the Armadillo Punch is on there! the Noen Armadillo was closed many years ago! so just because the "Kungloosh drink is (was) there means nothing if your going by the idea that AC will reopen! ponder that????

  5. Anon at 3:28am, the cart is actually signed as "Adventure Club Cart" on top. The menu signs refer to it as "Adventurers Cart". The cash register receipts refer to it at "Mannequins Alley Bar"!

    Anon at 3:40am, Interesting. I had never made the connection between the Armadillo Punch and the Neon Armadillo night club!
