Thursday, August 4, 2011

Breaking News: New Construction Permits Filed for PI Clubs

Breaking news from beautiful Pleasure Island this evening! Disney has filed new construction permits (Notices of Commencement) with Orange County to rehabilitate the Mannequins, Adventurers Club, BET Soundstage and Comedy Warehouse buildings.  Absolutely no details provided except each Notice describes the improvements as, "Provide labor, materials and/or equipment for construction".

You'll recall on April 28th in a Save Pleasure Island Blog exclusive that we reported that further demolitions of clubs on the Island had been stopped and that the club buildings would be remodeled to be reopened by third parties as clubs.  Since then we have seen confirmation that the Hyperion Wharf development has been put on indefinite hold if not outright canceled and now we see these permits filed. Both actions support the accuracy of the rumor, which you can read in more detail here:

Only club missing is 8TRAX and that might be because it's considered to be part of the Mannequins building. On the other hand BET and AC are one building and they have separate Notices. We'll see!  Big thanks to reader Jason71 for alerting the Blog about the permits posted on EPCOT Explorers Encyclopedia!


  1. after the announced delay of HW, I'm surprised that permits are filed so soon. Whichever building comes to completion first will show us the direction management is taking, that's for sure.

  2. by that I mean, the contents of the first completed building. Adult entertainment or boring 3rd party crap.

  3. Maybe Mannequins dance floor will be spinning soon !!!!

  4. might explain why you got roughed up by dinsey management tuesday nite.

  5. It seems it's a step in the right direction.
    If they start now hopefully the clubs will be opening soon, including 8Trax.

    Let's light up P.I. and get the party going!

  6. you people are FUNNY
    Disney is not going to reopen the clubs.
    Disney is getting the buildings for whoever pays rent to be there? not that that is going to be

  7. I am very hopeful that , finally we shall see music and laughter and fun all in PI again!! bring on the nightclubs!!

  8. The Adventurers Club will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix it is!


  9. Disney is going to refurbish the buildings. Disney is then going to rent them out. The information given to us is that third-parties leasing the buildings COULD reopen them as clubs. The clubs could be similar to what was there before but they would have to be different too. (new names, new themes?) This followed 3 years of the buildings being offered for lease as restaurants and stores and NO ONE doing so. So this is a plausible rumor. Time will tell.

  10. I have no hope of AC ever coming back in any form that wouldn't be a shell of the former. However, I am all for a return of nightlife to DTD! I can't grasp the concept that Disney doesn't think that Adults might occasionally want to do Adult things while at WDW. Everything they do seems aimed at keeping people on-site. Why don't they want to keep people on-site at night? I don't care if they have nightlife that's run by 3rd parties, (isn't this how CityWalk works?) let's just bring the nightlife back.

  11. As reported on this blog regularly, the dance clubs at City Walk and Church Street are busier than ever! Which makes us wonder why on earth DISNEY wouldn't want a piece of the action??? Come on Mouse, OPEN THE CLUBS!!!

  12. If the clubs should reopen, we all have to meet to celebrate!!!

  13. Yes...agreed! I believe King Bob will have a huge party for all of us!!

  14. open or boarded up the place will NEVER be like the original never

  15. will have to keep an eye on the smoking area door to see if the mannequins finally come down.

  16. So, why not call over to they 3rd party leasing office and ask if you could lease out one of the buildings for your new restaurant concept.. see what they say?

  17. They ain't going to waste their time of day talking to you unless your from some big company.
