Friday, July 22, 2011

PI Update: Adventurers Club Exterior Artifacts Disappearing

During my visit to beautiful Pleasure Island earlier this week, I took this picture in the front entry area of Adventurers Club. It seemed kind of barren in that patch but I didn't think much about it at the time. After all, the crashed plane was still there; the shrunken heads were still there.

Unfortunately I've not been mindful to the front of AC. Details of all the things that have been stripped from the interior of the club have been reported but I don't recall anything from outside. But this file photo taken just 8 months ago in December shows the large urn and the pedestal with book still in place two years post closure of the club. Both have subsequently been removed.

Looking further back in time, this file photo shows the statue that holds up the entrance (and is still there) but also some of the now-missing items.



The plane of course is still there; the cannon is not. So while we know that the interior of the club has been pretty much stripped of artifacts, it appears that the exterior has been slowly stripped as well.


  1. Unfortunately these items did disappear a few months ago, but according to a friend of mine, he did see the sarcophagus at Central Shops being repainted. Who knows? In the meantime, check out this Disney Revue article!

  2. Maybe a good sign for AC fans? We know it's not coming back to it's original locale, but with the success of Trader Sam's at the Disneyland Hotel, perhaps a new revamped Cloob is at least being considered for somewhere on the Florida property. The Adventureland Veranda was rumored to be getting the AC treatment in the (near?) future.

    Or perhaps HKDL needed even more AC props. :(

  3. ... Or maybe they're refurbishing the props to return them to the current locale. Something I hadn't considered. Interesting indeed.

  4. Apparently there is supposed to be some aspect of the kids club at Aulani that has some tie-in to the Adventurers Club and that some artifacts (not sure if exterior or interior) will be at Aulani.

  5. Here is the imagineer speaking about the Adverturer's club tie-in: At the 22 minute mark.

  6. No Jeanette Lomboy, that makes me even more angry that Disney knows that people love the Adventurers Club and want it back, but continue to deprive Walt Diney World of it. JUST OPEN THE CLUB AND STOP REFRENCING IT, DANG IT!

  7. Belle, thanks so much! I may do a separate article this week embedding that link since a lot of people don't read the Comments sections.

  8. Separate article added today with the YouTube video embedded.
