Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Flag Counter

The Save Pleasure Island Blog began in obscurity more than 3 years ago back on July 14, 2008 shortly after it was announced that the clubs were being closed. But today, July 27, 2011 marks the 2-yr anniversary of when the Flag Counter was added to the Blog. I chose the domestic version since I assumed nearly every reader would come from the United States.

So where do we stand after two years? Well, according to the Flag Counter, we've had 97,319 new hits and 231,000+ total page views. Sure that's nothing compared to many websites but it's still pretty significant that close to 100,000 people care enough about what is going on at Pleasure Island to find out about the Blog and actually go to it. (With many from other countries!) Unfortunately, I was not counting during that first year.

The biggest day ever was March 11, 2011 when the Blog exclusively released blueprints of what was then coming to Pleasure Island as part of Hyperion Wharf. Consisting of mostly demolitions, seed and mulch, it wasn't pretty. But please keep tuning in as we continue this journey together. And if you have information to share, please email me as all sources are confidential. Thanks for reading!

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