Sunday, July 10, 2011

Club Reports: Bliss Ultra Lounge, Suite B Lounge, Chico's Dirty Tacos

Downtown Orlando on a Saturday night!
First stop Bliss Ultra Lounge for a few selections off their dollar menu while listening to DJ Micky Bono (Beat Thrillerz, K5, RadioDanz, putting out House and Dance music hits!

Dance floor stayed relatively empty until 11:30pm when this go-go girl got things moving.

But last night was all about checking out DJ Kimball Collins (AAHZ) at Suite B Lounge!
For close to two hours he was putting out the House & Progressive!

I had missed the recent Aahz Decade show since I was in Toronto that night for David Guetta but I understand that club Firestone Live was jammed for it!
And the far smaller Suite B Lounge was as packed last night as I've ever seen it!

People were wall-to-wall!

And dancing wherever a piece of floor space could be found!

Spotted: DJ Dem Rok (Independent Bar) with Kimball's #1 Fan Patty.

Suite B offers an intimate setting where the bar, dance floor, tables and the DJ are all within close proximity of each other. These ladies were dancing literally on top of Kimball. Not that he minded!
Spotted: The other half of Aahz, DJ Dave Cannalte (Mannequins).

Let me tell you; Kimball Collins has put on hundreds of concerts over the years and I've been to just a few of those. But this was his best yet; just an incredible string of electronic dance music that had the entire club buzzing. Watch for another Aahz Reunion/Encore/Decade/Whatever on Thanksgiving Eve and if we're lucky, maybe even sooner!

On the way out stumbled into Chico's Dirty Tacos and Tequila. THIS is the place that used to be Crooked Bayou; I previously erroneously reported that Whiskey Dicks was that place.
DJ Fuxx Fame was playing Dubstep but at close to 3am the crowd was winding down. Will need to return here at a more reasonable hour to check it out.


  1. They had that Music for Life stuff in Bliss again last night didn't they? With all these other Djs?

  2. If they did, it happened after I had departed around midnight. I saw DJ 4Head so I guess that's why he was there.

  3. Ryan Moody was touting it on Facebook as another Music For Life deal..again.

  4. Mickey played "Bounce". Sounds great cranked up!
