Friday, June 10, 2011

PI Update: Island Goes Green

No need to go "down the shore" to experience a sea breeze. A brisk one was available today right on beautiful Pleasure Island!
In the Comments section of Tuesday's article, loyal reader Jason71 reported that the view of the Pleasure Island plaque had been blocked by a new planter with a tree growing in it. Well here it is. My first thought was that they were actually trying to block view of the plaque which has the PI backstory on it.
But looking at it from the parking lot side of the No. 2 Bridge shows that such planters were placed on all 4 corners of the bridge. So I think that the plaque just happens to be in one of the corners. I don't think that they would have gone to this expense just to block the plaque when they could have just unscrewed the plaque and removed it instead. However, these are really not very pretty planters so I'm not sure what the intent of these are!
In addition, numerous other plaques remain unblocked around PI including this one at 8TRAX. This venue originally opened as Videopolis East, then became The Cage and later 8TRAX.
And this one at the lower end of the Lombard Promenade.
Elsewhere, this piece of Hyperion Wharf concept art remains posted on the construction wall at the Hub. This leads me to believe that the amphitheater ultimately will get built.
The grass is getting greener but no further action on the new pathway. And that folks is the latest information from beautiful Pleasure Island! Aloha.

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