Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PI Update: Sunday Night On The Island

Sunday night on the way to House of Blues, of course had to visit beautiful Pleasure Island!
The foyer of Mannequins was all lit up! Had not seen that before. Ran into someone who had been inside the previous week and confirmed the revolving dance floor is definitely in there! They found a dead squirrel in there too.
The foyer of 8TRAX was also lit up but the other outside lights that we saw on a few weeks ago were not.
And gigantic flowers have sprung up throughout the island! GO PLEASURE ISLAND!!


  1. There was also a large group of "adventurers" there that night at the PI Live Bar. Kungaloosh!

  2. and I found GOLD at the end of a rainbow!
    that can't be true that "they" saw the floor still in mannequins because they are a CM! from what I have read on this blob CM's can not be trusted!

  3. CM's that have been inside Mannequins can be trusted. CM's who heard otherwise from the brother of a Disney bus driver can't!

  4. Anon 953pm: What proof do you have the floor is NOT there? Please provide.
    Put up or shut up. Thanks.

    Hypothetically speaking,
    -why would Disney bother taking out the floor?
    -Who would buy used dance floor panels?
    -Where does one put a giant, used rotating dance floor?
    -With all the "spies" we have watching PI, how come no one noticed them removing the giant floor panel?
    -Where's your photo proving it's gone?

    Thanks in advance for providing evidence of your argument.

  5. Hypothetically speaking,
    -why would Disney bother taking out the floor?
    -Who would buy used dance floor panels?
    -Where does one put a giant, used rotating dance floor?

    and why would Disney sell an old used monorail? who would buy one and where would they put it
    but it HAS been done! it was on EBAY!!!!
    but i guess that was FAKE allso!

    and your claim that there is always someone ALLWAYS there to see everything? is a little far fetched!

    and I still say the "PICTURE" we saw is real but just NO date on it and even then where is the REAL proof?
    I just know that I believe what i have heard! and it was NOT a BUS driver Bob! or there brother!
    and I have heard from more than one person (CM) on this!
    and one of them told me that NO ONE has been inside other then maybe MAYBE maintenance!
    and and OH don't forget that Mannequins was flooded, used for storage and other RUMORS!

    so ANON @ May 31, 2011 10:32 PM
    you can be RUDE if you want but! where is your PROOF? where?

    funny thing is if you heard from the same CM as me! you would (to there face) would be like oh ok!
    I was going to say something RUDE but I am the better so have a nice......

  6. oh and if i posted the pics you wanted and others MIGHT say oh there fake so why bother! only one of few ways to prove this is to get everyone to go there and have disney open the door so we can see! or when and if someone opens a store or club in there till then there are going to be people who will be on both sides

  7. Anon at 11pm, you send me pics of the revolving floor NOT there, I will post them as I don't think that could be faked. The Blog already posted pics taken about a year ago with the floor there.

  8. When is somebody at Disney going to make a decision about the status of these clubs. This is getting ridiculous already. Either open them, or tear them down.

  9. There really are no new rumors except 71Jason reports that AC is now completely stripped over everything except the Yakoose. But the rumor about existing buildings being renovated as clubs remains viable.

  10. rumors and speculation as always so entertaining

  11. @ 3:35 PM
    Disney will never tell us what the real plan is for 2 reasons
    1 they don't really know
    2 they DON'T REALLY KNOW!
    for reason of someone AT Disney has a plan it has to be approved before it can go forward! and when it gos up for approval it costs to much! or the uppers do not like it! so has to go back to scratch and round and round it goes and when and if it gets changed
    just look at the latest on PI AC AND BET where going down for now NO!
    this has gone on @ Disney for many many years! just most do not hear about it~

  12. HEY Bob
    I never said I have pics of the floor missing I just said IF I did!
    that is because the doors have been locked tight! and only ONLY the people Disney trusts will and or have been in! IF that IS

  13. security has access to MDP, it's not like right after closing when access was so insanely tight. Also I was told for several months, the garage door in the back was mistakenly left unlocked and powered up, allowing anyone with enough balls to push it and take pictures.

  14. funny back then the doors where not locked now they are!
    now you say the doors where locked tight but the side door was not and anyone with the balls to push the button and open it! could do so!
    so what is it? you can't have it both ways!
    this is why I find it hard to believe some of you on here OK you Zulemara!
    you have contradicted yourself! NOW! I know that you will have something to say about this and maybe Bob also( and maybe even delete this off when is read by him)
    just had to say this

  15. Mannequins was indeed locked but at some point about a year ago the side "garage" door to Mannequins was discovered to be unlocked. Apparently that is how the photos provided to the Blog last year (that showed the inside with mannequiins still hanging and the floor in place) were taken. Shortly after that article was posted, that door was locked and could no longer be raised without a key. And that's a fact, Jack!

  16. but it was someone walking by? now some one pushed the button? just sayin....

  17. Yeah there are four nice buildings just ready to be used as clubs.
    They just need to be cleaned, floors swept, and tables put in there,and finally bars and a D.J..
    Three years is long enough, reopen the clubs!!
