Sunday, May 29, 2011

EDC Day 2 Report

Electric Daisy Carnival - Orlando - Day 2 CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE
Began this day's journey at the bassPOD with Electro & Dubstep from Liquid Stranger (USA).
There was already a crowd growing at this stage for later DJ's that would include Feed Me and Datsik!
At the neonGARDEN stage DJ Keith Mackenzie (USA) put on an excellent Breaks performance for the early arrivers.
The small crowd here was already better than what we saw the previous night and this would continue to build.
The much-anticipated arrival in Orlando of DJ HeavyGrinder (USA) followed!
She has a large international following.
People were dancing all over as the Break Beats continued!
She is always very interactive with her audiences which is one of the reasons why she is so popular.
And she looked damn awesome in her black-on-black-on-black ensemble!
Then it was time to head over to the kineticFIELD main stage where the crowd was building up here too.
DJ Morgan Page (USA) came on at 6pm.
Good daylight view of how many were watching.
Page remains somewhat unknown but the number of hits he's produced are many.
Something interesting to see no matter where you turned!
But back to the neonGARDEN for DJ Baby Anne (USA)!! Largest crowd in two days.
DJ Jimmy Joslin (USA) giving her some tips on operating the equipment here.
A good hour of mostly Breaks continued this stage's theme of the evening.
Trying to see as many DJ's as I could. And with four competing stages, it got difficult. But back to the main stage for DJ Markus Schulz (D) putting out the House!
The great thing about such an event is that for one price you get to see so many internationally famous DJ's, one after another after another!
The main reason I purchased my ticket though was for this guy....DJ Ferry Corsten (NL)! I had seen him previously at Zinc Bar in downtown Orlando and at Pasha in New York City.
He too is very interactive with the masses.
Day turned into night during his 8-9pm performance.
It was absolutely jammed across the entire field, much larger than the previous night. Apparently a lot of people purchased Saturday-only tickets.
The biggest reaction is when he played his current hit "Feel It". It really had everyone moving. My only disappointment was that he did not play the Mannequins classic, "Rock Your Body Rock". That would have been so excellent.
Back to the neonGARDEN stage for DJ Icey (USA). He was as good as I've ever seen him!
A really large crowd had gathered for him! He absolutely killed it; he had Baby Anne dancing!
He had Keith Mackenzie dancing!
I was starving so I just did not have any time to watch much of DJ Benny Benassi (I) perform. He was playing mostly House including a number of his big hits.
There had to be twice as many people at the main stage on Saturday night than on Friday night. And Friday night was jammed!
The biggest headliner of the evening was DJ Paul van Dyk (D) who put on close to 90-minutes of mostly Trance. This was the only fairly decent shot I could get of him due to the lighting.
On my way out, also a huge crowd for Dubstep DJ Datsik (CDN) over at the bassPOD stage.  I call the event a success; it was not a sell-out like Ultra was last March in Miami but it was still a great show which hopefully will return again to Orlando next year!! EDC has 1-day concerts in Denver on June 11th and Dallas on June 18th but the talent-list is nowhere near as impressive of what we got in Orlando these past two days.


  1. In the second picture from the top, is that a big shiny "disco ball" hanging from the top of the stage?? LOL! I knew they were still in style!!

  2. The people of Orlando that enjoyed this event really need to thank Jeff Kenney from Insomniac.

    He's THE guy that made this happen.

  3. Anon, yes, even the Dubsteppers employ the infamous "shiny disco ball"!

    Smooth, couldn't agree more! He is behind so many EDM DJ tours stopping in Orlando and was critical in getting this event for our city. He's a little miffed at the Blog for reporting this event months before it was announced, but the Blog is a huge supporter of the EDM scene too.

  4. the shiny "disco ball" is a lame come back! just like most of the music of "today"

  5. Jeff can't get mad at did what any journalist would do...soon as you get wind of it, you report it.

  6. Not that it means anything but in the majority of your club pics Bob I'm always amazed at the diversity of ages partying but this Fest seems to have skewed VERY very young...or the feast of young flesh is just making me feel very VERY

  7. The crowd indeed was skewed towards those in their 20's. Yet that is the GREAT thing about this; EDM has been discovered by that age group after more than a decade defined by Hip Hop!

  8. It was a very young crowd, but I am 40 and had a blast!

  9. Dude, you missed Calvin Harris! Best DJ of the NIGHT!

  10. Don't know much about Calvin Harris so he was not on my list to watch.
