Saturday, April 2, 2011

PI Update: "Suits" Spotted Going Into Mannequins

It's difficult to see with this camera-phone photo but Save Pleasure Island roving reporter Thommy spotted three Disney "suits" (managers) climbing the side stair tower of Mannequins Friday and going into the door up on the 3rd level. All three were wearing Disney name tags so these were not third-party vendors taking a tour. This is news you can't get in the Sentinel. Thommy, who lives in a tent under the PI No. 2 Bridge, provides us with a lot of the happenings out on the Island. CLICK ON PHOTO TO ENLARGE


  1. LOL just in the right place at the right time. Funny because I walked the island before lunch and noticed the MDP chain was down. Now I know why, they were probably pre-inspecting before showing it to whomever. I asked if they were going to do something with the empty building and they said "not yet. I also yelled to say hi to the mannequins for me and they looked at me like I'm crazy. Eh, wvr, I want my club back!!!

  2. Shoulda just followed them in...they're oblivious to a lot of other things clearly...

  3. Bob, I was listening to a dance party out of Tampa last night and they were giving away tickets for the "Reopening" party for the Ampithearter in Ibor City. They said the date was April 16th. Could we possibly have a rotating dance floor again in central Florida?? I know it's no where near as big as Mannequins was, but, it's a rotating dance floor! Supposedly there was a lot of money dumped into this place again with all new DJ equipment and all new lights! Let's see what happens... Just thought I would give you an update of what I heard!

  4. Yes, DJ Icey is on Saturday, April 16th and they have one of the few revolving dance floors in the world. But it's very small; nothing like Mannequins. I'll probably attend.

  5. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction of reopening Mannequines and some of the other clubs.
    Time is passing by Spring is quickly turning into Summer and thats when a lot of the tourists and lots of the P.I. seekers are looking for the adult nightlife at P.I. .

  6. They were looking for the IHOP they read about here.
