Saturday, April 23, 2011

Club Reports: PI Alive, ADH Dead

Fun night on beautiful Pleasure Island tonight as the Andre Caram Band performed in front of a huge Easter Weekend audience on Purple Stage in the West End Ultra Lounge.
Many were doing what Pleasure Island was designed for.......dancing!
They played one Dance hit after another and the predominantly young, female dancers knew the words! The size of the crowd was augmented by those attending the Kei$ha concert at HOB.
The Andre Caram Band plays Thursday through Sunday nights and I'm told are signed to perform through October. I think that's a sign that the West End Ultra Lounge (formerly Celebration Plaza) is open for business at least through then. I know Disney knows the demand for dance venues is there and they need to reopen some of their dance clubs!
Meanwhile over at Atlantic Dance Hall DJ Frankie (Frankie & The West End Boys, West End Stage, Rock'n'Roll Beach Club) was in the booth playing the typical ADH mix of mostly Top 40 and Hip Hop.
The venue was pretty dead although Laura from Erie, PA made it rather lively.
This bachelorette party looking for fun sure did not find much of it at ADH last night and quickly moved on. They would have had much better luck at Universal's CityWalk compex which is where most of Disney's nightlife went!
A few members of Pleasure Island's club Motion crowd was in attendance but otherwise the dance floor was pretty barren. Atlantic Dance Hall is located at Disney's Boardwalk Resort in Bay Lake.


  1. Jeff - GainesvilleApril 23, 2011 at 9:12 AM

    Hey KingBob, I belive that the ADH is located on Cresent Lake at the Boardwalk. Bay Lake is up near the Magic Kingdon (aka.. Bay Lake Towers, etc..);~)

  2. Jeff, I was referring to the city. The Boardwalk (as well as all 4 theme parks) are located in the incorporated city of Bay Lake, Florida. Pleasure Island is located in the city of Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

  3. All those Ke$ha fans last night, nowhere to spend their money after the show. Disney's cluelessness reaches new heights.

    KingBob, since you got the skinny on Andre's concert, did he mention anything about transferring to the new amphitheater that doesn't seem to be being built?

  4. 71, you've got mail over on the Dis. Nothing that I can publish here yet.

  5. ADH only gets busy when a convention is in town. Right now, it's all families at WDW and so ADH is dead, except for the motion crew.

    Of course, PI being as packed as it is even with no clubs open is a no brainier.. duh. What else is there to do at night @ WDW?

    Someone should put a big "WINNING" sign over PI.

  6. True things seem to be happening at P.I. ,but it would be nice to have some of the clubs opened up for some extra fun.
    So come on lets open up some nightclubs so we can have fun, and party.

  7. Went to Ke$sha last night, myself. Good, very high energy show, and I'm guessing its the last time I'll get a chance to see her in a venue that size until the downside of her career.

    As I was walking out, though, I couldn't help but think the one thing that would've made the night complete would be to walk out of HOB and straight to Mannequins and dance the night away. Dammit, Disney... figure this out. Okay, so you don't want clubs at DTD, give me options SOMEWHERE. Until then, you're putting money in other people's pockets.

  8. Bill, I concur. Some Sunday nights I would migrate back and forth between the Service Industry Night in HOB and the revolving floor in Mannequins. I can remember attending most of the DJ Tiƫsto concert at HOB (another person who has outgrown a smaller venue like that) and heading back to PI! PI was the best!

  9. Is HOB being closed down?

  10. Two unrelated sources told me that it was closing but I've seen nothing official and no new rumors in about six months. So don't know if it is or isn't. Hope not. It needs to stay where it's at and Disney can hardly afford to lose yet another major DTD tenant.

  11. <2nd hand "rumor" information>
    I was at applebees in LBV the other night and overheard some people talking about PI. One of the people apparently used to work at HOB and says they want out when their contract is up. He referred to it being a 15 year contract which means if they opened in 1998(when did they open? THey would be up in 2013.
    Just some food for thought that goes along with other things that have been said. It's most likely just a recycled rumor though.

  12. hhmm the closing html tags didn't show up on my original post

  13. WOW Entertainment at the top of PI. What an idea, Oh wait that's how the PI Stage started.

  14. Scott N in O-town, what goes around comes around! The clubs are next!
