Thursday, March 10, 2011

PI Update: Pleasure Island Sign To Come Down?

I've been meaning to mention an article in the Orlando Sentinel by their Theme Park Ranger Dewayne Bevil. He recently paid a visit to beautiful Pleasure Island and reported on it in the article. He mentioned how depressing it has been to walk through the former island of pleasure but that he was uplifted a bit by the recent construction. The only newsworthy item in the story though is mention that the huge PLEASURE ISLAND sign atop Mannequins may be coming down sooner than later. I don't know about that. If his source can't tell him the name of a single new restaurant coming, how good of a source is he? Read Dewayne's entire article at:,0,1836247.story


  1. a source on WDWmagic says "According to the plans I have (dated in February), the grassy fields aren't even la belled for future expansion. The Comedy Warehouse area was labeled as a "future entertainment parcel" but everything else was just labeled "seed and mulch" with nothing indicating it will be used in the future.

  2. i forgot to add, the point of me posting that is that according to others, there aren't any plans for restaurants so that is perhaps why the source can't say!

  3. well not to P on anyone's parade here but if the island is becoming a wharf then inevitably the sign will change at some point. Speaking of that sign do they still have it lighted?

  4. Yes, the sign and all PI signs are lighted each night.

  5. It's a great source! Why, cause there are no names yet, nothing's been signed!

  6. It's pretty darn pathetic that about the sign coming down.
    I'm sure all of us "PI"ers are hoping that maybe they'll change their mind about everything.
    Come on guys lets get the clubs reopen we don't need anymore shops or reesturants.
