Thousands of fans of the Adventurers Club and both fans of Soundstage need to make their pilgrimage to Pleasure Island very soon if you believe a demolition update published on one of the internet bulletin boards. According to that posting, demolition of those two clubs will begin within a couple weeks! Supposedly all utilities to that corner of PI have now been shut off and temporary electrical lines are running behind the buildings for night time illumination. So the end may finally be near for the building housing those two venues. This update is not inconsistent with something posted here on the Blog a few weeks ago. One of our sources had reported that the direct underground connection between AC and the PI offices beneath West End Plaza (formerly Celebration Plaza) had been blocked. |
So the end may indeed be near. If demolition walls go up, you'll read about them here. But if you want to see your beloved clubs one more time, you may need to come quickly!
no loss been dead for a while
I just hope the same thing dosen't happen to Mannequines, 8trax, and Comedy Wharehouse.
Also it's pretty dumb that the Disney people aren't waking up to what the adults want.
After all this time the Save PI'ers which are a many many many many people are not being heard.
Wake up!
well it's these same people that are the reason hat it has closed if you went out to PI you saw how slow it was! so thank for your support! NOT!!!!!
funny how this many people have looked at this site and NOT this many would go out to PI? HMMMMM so why would Disney reopen something you all didn't support?
don't get me wrong I am not happy it's closed! but come on people!
I find this rumor difficult to believe.
1: the exterior is not the only lit area of either club. The Bar on the top floor of Soudstage is still glowing, and Adventurers Club's Main Salon is fully lit with it's show lighting (Not to mention the chandelier, Zeus and Yakoose are still present and acounted for).
2: They Disney just spent MONEY on printing hundreds of thousands of DTD maps showing ONLY Beach Club and Motion gone. They would not have spent MONEY on these maps if the topography was going to change this drastically so soon.
do you how many maps Disney has printed every week? and just as easy can be changed!
also Disney puts stuff in the trash bin that could be saved or sold but they do!
I know for a fact Disney prints maps in bulk, not on a weekly basis. That is why I doubt after the latest version of the DTD map, tey will change the topography again anytime soon.
Yeah, I'm only reporting the rumor posted as a fact elsewhere. We still have competing rumors on this subject; this one that says demolition is imminent and the other one that says nothing is going to happen to BET and AC until next year. We should know soon. We have troops on the ground trying to find out more.
Mannequins/8TRAX/CW buildings are not going anywhere.
you know for A fact HUH??? R-I-G-H-T! you don't know how many have said that! I know that (and or rumor) that Disney has stuff printed on a weekly basis! and even if Disney has a Hugh supply that could last a year! Disney over does it! so that map theory will not hold water!
I know people that have worked for Disney on construction and they have seen things that look new all most just out of the box! so don't tell US that this can't happen!!!!!
Did anyone else hear a rumor about the Harley Store (beside Mannequins) moving to where Little Miss Matched is now in the Westside? Seems like I read it somewhere and it would make sense with the conception art of the new HW.... I'd heard that the Little Miss store was moving to where the Pooh Corner was in the Marketplace - maybe just another rumor too?!
Yes, LittleMissMatched is moving to Marketplace, and then Harley is moving to West Side.
Yes, maps are printed in bulk - unless there was a communication error between the project leaders and the map people, there is no way they'd outdate a map so soon.
"Orlando Harley Davidson will be coming to the West Side in July 2011. The store will be opening in the former Little MissMatched and Mickey's Groove locations."
Yes Disney would and has! over print! they have contracts so they go with it to make SURE they have more then they need so to NOT run out! get it got it good! don't ask why Disney does these things
They are coming down guys, believe it!!! It's full speed ahead on the make over project, damn the outcome, damn the old, damn it all to hell!.. But it's happening guys.
BTW- While they are tearing this down and getting ready to rebuild, still no hard contracts in place for the 3rd party's that will operate the new locations.
I guess the thought is that "if they build it, they will come" thinking of tenants.
In reality they "had" to move forward with demolition and construction. There was just too much outside pressure from places like this Blog and its readers to take action. (And no telling how much internal pressure!) And there was no way they were going to reverse course and admit the PI closure was a mistake. Which it was. Quite clearly.
The problem I saw with the AC was that there were many fans and regulars but only a few of them drank. The bottom line is it was a bar and the puchline of many jokes.
Sources say Adventurers Club was profitable but I don't know how they measured it since PI did not track which clubs a person buying a ticket went into. No doubt the club was labor-intensive with union actors and actresses.
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