Saturday, February 19, 2011

House Music Tonight at The Groove!!

I always thought it should be called The White Room; the fluorescent glow up there appears more white in my eyes than blue. Nonetheless, The Groove is going to try something different tonight and your support is needed. While the regular DJ is going to be playing his normal music in the main section of the club, they're putting a second DJ upstairs in the relatively small Blue Room who will be spinning House. My understanding is the DJ is someone who usually plays over at The Peacock Room in Orlando. So Mannequins fans, come on out tonight if you can! There is no extra charge; normal The Groove ($7.00) or CityWalk ($12.77) admission charges apply. Anyone buying the 5pm Mardi Gras tickets to see the parade and B52's concert at Universal Studios, be aware that those tickets also include free CityWalk admission!



  2. that sounds Dumb! there will a clash with the two DJ's music so close! but thats my opinion! unless they can make the room sound proof from the other!
    I wish i could go! but no money no go!

  3. So excited! Think it should be great!!! See you @ 10pm in the Blue Room!!!!

  4. Brian, there might be a clash up near the entrance to the Blue Room. They're aware of that possibility and will try to minimize it but it could happen. Blue Room is also very small and won't hold that many people. But the important thing here is that they're trying, something Disney ISN'T doing!

    Anon, hope to see you there!

    Readers, the first commenter above is a link to sell things however the poster does provide some links to interesting DJ sites. That's why I did not delete it. But I don't recommend you buy anything.

  5. Bob, please let us know how it works out at The Groove tonight. Unfortunately, some of us have to work this evening, but hope to be there soon on a Saturday night (If it is a success and they decide to keep doing it....) Thanks for all the updates!

  6. Yes, some of us do have to work, but would love to be there!! Please keep us in the loop Bob! Thanks for everything! Hope to see yopu next week after the Pitbull concert....

  7. Bob, I checked out the first post website and did not see anything about DJ sites... Am I blind or just losing my mind?.?.? (Or maybe a bit of each....LOL)

  8. The link titled A3 Nightlife Video Blog has some DJ stuff in it.
