Friday, February 25, 2011

Club Reports: Why Not Lounge, Dexter's, Vixen, Vintage

When I realized that I had not been up to the clubs in Seminole County in nearly three months, I knew I had to fit that into my schedule. I'm glad that I did! The Why Not Lounge has contracted with a new DJ company which includes DJ Baby above. The music between band sets is now more electronically oriented with Dance and House mixed in with the Top 40.
Darlene is the hip lead vocalist for the current band playing at the club, Top Secret.
Located in the Magnuson Grand Hotel (formerly Holiday Inn), the Why Not Lounge has been doing a Ladies Night on Thursday nights since the 70's! The club manager says they will be going to a 7-night operation with different nights but continue to offer bands on Thursday through Saturday nights.
Moving further north to Lake Mary/Heathrow, Dexter's continues to do well with their Thursday nights featuring the buzz-cut DJ Michael Knight.
While I have experienced larger crowds there, the place was hardly empty!
The music is a mix of Top 40, House/Dance, Disco, Oldies and even some Rock. It's one of those places where the crowd on the dance floor will suddenly wane and you think it's late and people have left but all of a sudden you look again and the floor is jammed again!
Always a hot, upscale crowd on hand made-up of locals from the area along with business people from the nearby hotels.
But only on Thursday nights will you find a DJ. Knight brings in all of his own equipment including the light bridge, lasers, speakers....everything!
Heading back south to downtown Orlando, Thursday night means famous DJ Jimmy Joslin at club Vixen on Orange Avenue. The music is generally all-EDM.
It's a small club with a small dance floor which no one was partaking to during my visit. The music: great!
Next door at sister-club Vintage things were considerably more lively for DJ Freefall and his Top 40/Hip Hop mix of music.
There is really no defined dance floor in this place so people just dance where they're standing including this group in front of the booth. Happy weekend everyone!

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