Sunday, February 27, 2011

Club Report: Bliss Ultra Lounge

OK, there's no revolving dance floor and there's no CO2 spray-downs, but the music at Bliss Ultra Lounge downtown is as close to Mannequins as you're likely to find around O-Town. DJ Mickey Bono owns Saturday nights here and there's nearly always a line to get in and a big crowd inside!

An interesting phenomenon at Bliss is that the dance floor seems to stay empty until exactly 11:30pm when suddenly it fills up. Last night this occurred at 11:28pm. 

The music is 100% Dance/House and no one is putting in any Hip Hop requests!

Another awesome feature are the well drinks for just $1 until midnight. Try finding that at Disney!

Spotted: The trio of DJ AJ (CityWalk, The Groove), DJ Mickey Bono (Beat Thrillerz, K5,, and DJ Smooth (XM BPM, Red Coconut Club, Royal Pacific Resort, plus Maria trying to hide!

Elsewhere downtown, Boss can't seem to make up its mind as to the market they're going after. Seems that they want to feature House music on Saturday nights but it was all Hip Hop last night as I wandered by.

This location just seems to be bad luck for clubs. The new club Deja Vu has folded. Others that have come and gone from this location include Voyage', Red Velvet and Blue Room. Maybe I'd have better luck if I put my 8TRAX clone in here!

Great Scots! Some guys will go to great-lengths to snag a girl.

And like most Saturday nights, Wall Street Plaza was jammed. But since none of the venues in there are playing EDM, I rarely wander in there.


  1. I filled in once for Mickey on a Sat Night last year and that place is one of the best spots to work from the Dj perspective. Top notch equipment and sound/light tech that knows what he's doing. Awesome club. Very loud in there though. ;) Clear and clean..but straight out loud.

  2. Not sure on the cover but it's probably like most places downtown..get there around 10 or 11 and there's probably no cover.

  3. About that 8Trax idea.. how much is the rent for the space?

  4. Anonymous 7:32...good luck with the price of a liquor license in Orange County, well over half a million bucks!

  5. Has Bliss gotten their act together on Cover Charges?

    I went one time last year; the website read "no cover", but I was hit with a $10 charge at the door. They also gave me hell for wearing 'tennis shoes'. That kinda pissed me off for the evening. The music was really good, however.

    On the Bliss website, they currently mention Saturday as "FREE COVER" and "$1 DRINKS 4 EVERYONE".

  6. DJ Smooth, you gotta tell me ahead of time if you're gonna be playing at Bliss!

    Anon, the cover charge varies. It is often free and sometimes it is $5. If they bring in an out-of-town DJ then it could be $10 but they only do that occasionally. The "free" offers typically end at either 11pm or midnight.

    Joe, the website is notoriously unreliable because they don't keep it up-to-date. It wouldn't hurt to print the flyer that says free admission and if they try to charge you, refer to it that you relied upon it. Better is their Facebook page which has a direct link from the website.
