Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PI Update: RRBC Demolition Begins!

Look closely over the roof of Portabello and you can see the beginning stages of the demolition of Rock'n'Roll Beach Club! Yes, it has begun! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE
Zooming in here but still allowing you to see the perspective of RRBC to the rest of the Island. With Motion 90% razed, views of RRBC never before seen have become available.
Zoomed in further, we see the far eastern side of the building has been crunched open!
With all the extensive glass now removed, dust barriers had to be installed to keep everything inside and not drifting out onto Pleasure Island or out into Village Lake.
The former junction of RRBC & Motion is the supposed site of Mahogany Bay Classic Old Boats and Great Food Restaurant, the only new venue announced so far for Pleasure Island/Hyperion Wharf. That's just the "working name" though; the retro-speedboat themed restaurant could get a new name before it opens but the concept will be the same.
Very little of Motion remains. But a lot of Motion debris remains laying on the ground! Free demolition boat tours are being offered every 15 minutes; simply board a Downtown Disney Water Taxi at Pleasure Island and head over to Marketplace.


  1. Thanks for the great pictures Bob! So Sad.... ~Damn Mouse

  2. I think they really mean business. Have you heard about something called Disney Renaissance Theatre or Auditorium or something like that that may be coming to DTD? It's probably just another rumor but I read something about it somewhere.

  3. Damn Mouse, my pleasure!
    Jeff, I think you're referring to this dream concept:

  4. I hope the demolition of the clubs bring new ideas, and adult entertainment.
    Summer's coming so come on guys lets get some action down there.

  5. Yep, that's it. I wasn't paying that close attention, I suppose!

  6. It's kinda sad to see Pleasure island go. But it lost its appeal. I remember when it opened and it was a hot spot for the 18+ crew, then when i went back recently it wasn't really that hot anymore. Ohh well, I hope new stuff brings more joy to people and everyone gets a little something.

  7. Disney really wanted to get rid of these buildings and fast. In looking at the photos and watching the demolition very little has been salvaged from the buildings. You still see fire extinguishers, light fixtures, celing speakers from the bathrooms, air handlers, airconditioners all being crushed along with the buildings. Used to stuff like that was sent to Property Control

  8. Im also appalled at how Disney has taken no effort to hide their actions. Anytime major construction occurs at a Park they make every effort to hide it. Uusally some really rediculous looking tarp that looks like what should be there.

  9. WoW!!! There are some REALLY cool ideas being thrown around on the website. hey Disney, TAKE A HINT!! I like some of those ideas even if not entirely club centric. Most ideas have at least one club reopening though, which is what I am lobbying for.

  10. A project this huge would be difficult to hide. But the construction walls are high enough that you really can't see in. There is enough slope in front of 8TRAX to see some of it but it's pretty well blocked. The water taxi dock gets a great view of RRBC though and the water taxi ride sails right by the site.

  11. Was Mahagony Bay actually announced?

  12. Disney has not announced anything yet but the Save Pleasure Island Blog did. Prior to Disney's announcement about the plans for Hyperion Wharf, I published this story citing the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

  13. KingBob where are the new pics of PI I saw a few on Facebook of beach club has more gone!

  14. Brian, I am currently out of town and unable to obtain updated pics. The pics I posted Tuesday were from this past Monday afternoon. Will update when I can.
