Thursday, January 6, 2011

PI Update: Motion Being Destroyed!

Big thanks to loyal Blog reader Munchies for sharing the above photo with us showing the quick progress being made on the demolition of club Motion at Pleasure Island now that the holidays are over. I was not able to get out there until this evening and it was way too dark to get any good shots.

These two night time shots of mine show limited detail but they too show the destruction at Motion! More glass windows facing Village Lake have been removed from Rock'n'Roll Beach Club but the side of the club facing inland remains intact.

Elsewhere on the Island, musical acts have returned to the reconstructed Lily Pad area.

At Raglan Road, numerous flame-displaying heaters have been installed to ward off the latest cold front. For all the latest news from beautiful Pleasure Island, stay tuned to the Blog!


  1. Wow that is depressing to see. But I guess it was inevitable, and still better than empty clubs sitting there. The true beginning of the end...RIP Pleasure Island...

  2. Hopefully the other clubs will atleast reopen.
    Even if they open clubs and add new clubs with a new title.
    Hopefully there'll be Music and dancing and partying for adults 8 to 2:00 in the morning.
    So lets all keep a good thought about what's to come.

  3. Well, they certainly didn't waste any time after the holidays now did they? It really is depressing to see!

  4. last building up first to go down!

  5. This a a disgusting sight to see!!!

  6. Destruction moving along quickly...yet still no official announcement of anything new coming to HW (except, of course, pretty lights).

  7. So sad.... so many good times.... Keep the hope alive!

  8. Motion was the best club on PI :(

  9. Mannequins is the best club ever!

  10. There are a few things that Disney has destroyed, they include Pleasure Island and the Disney Store as well as Disney Vacation Club and the dream that Walt Disney had is over. Money is now the true dream of Disney.

  11. Yes folks, very depressing. The only good thing is that finally something is happening on the Island.

    71, you are correct. No announcement of anything new yet for Hyperion Wharf. Interestingly, columnist Dewayne Bevil (Theme Park Rangers) in today's Orlando Sentinel mentions the new amphitheater-style park to be built near Paradiso 37 and scheduled to open this summer, which I did not know. He says, "It will be interesting to see how many people this park draws....we can't see how this area will differ from the lightly populated grassy area next to Bongos on Downtown Disney's West Side."

  12. Wow this must have happened on the 5th or 6th since I was just there on the 4th and it was not destroyed at that point!

    Very sad but I'm also really excited to see what they do with the Island.

  13. Belle, this did largely occur on the nights of the 4th and 5th. Reader Munchies was out there the morning of the 6th and provided the top photo. The demolition is occurring overnight.
