Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PI Update: Has Club Demolition Begun?

I am out-of-town and unable to make it over to Pleasure Island, but thanks to loyal reader Keith, we have this photo from "behind the barricades" showing that demolition dumpsters are now in place. Nothing major demolished yet but it's coming. PI sources say that there is no wrecking ball coming in per se, that RRBC and Motion are going to be dismantled.  The materials will then be removed by barge to a staging area west of House of Blues. Thanks, Keith!


  1. I'm glad Disney repainted that mural on RRBC a couple months ago so they can tear it down now.

  2. They painted it so that it would look better during the tour given to California big-shots a few months ago. They didn't want to give the impression to anyone important that they let quality slip.

  3. Yep, they let everything slip...
    Goodbye Pleasure Island forever...
    Damn Mouse.....

  4. This has been such a (socially) life-altering experience for so many of us! I know in the grand scheme of life this is not important, but damn, its so sad!!! For some of us this encompassed 5, 10, 15 or more years of our lives, thats a hard habit to break!

  5. Anon 12:40PM
    yeah I went for 18 years! I knew the OLD PI! I met Dawn (from Mannequins) as a server! (if you know who Dawn is)
    I agree with you! I had friends who would want me to go to other clubs and or hang with them on a Friday/Saturday night I wouldn't Mannequins for me was THEE!!!! place to be!!!!! they didn't go and couldn't understand why!? but looks like you know! met so many friends there! some that I know i would have never met!
    and there is nothing to replace it!

  6. Anon at 12:49pm & Brian, you have accurately portrayed why this is so important to so many. A good chunk of our lives were spent supporting an institution that gave so much back to us in return. And that's how it was for so many people. It explains over 60,000 hits on this website from people wondering about what is going on!

  7. Well said KingBob! I hadn't been going there as long as some folks had, but it didn't take long for it to earn a special place in my heart! Lot's of good times, friends, music and drinks (I know Dawn as well!). I can't thank you enough for keeping this blog going so that folks out there can be in the know, and have some idea of what a great place P.I. once was.

  8. Jeff, I've got a Dawn update that I need to publish. Probably Tuesday.

  9. I think I know what it is;~)... I will eagerly await the post!

  10. I know what the Dawn update is!
