Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mannequins To Be Replaced By Silk Road?

The WDW Magic website has two pieces of Hyperion Wharf concept art that are not displayed on Disney's official website and thus I'm not able to reproduce here. One of them shows the view entering the former Pleasure Island via the #2 Bridge. On the right, Raglan Road. On the left, the former Mannequins. Not only has the building been significantly renovated to look like a warehouse, but the sign prominently features the name and logo of Silk Road, a Las Vegas restaurant famous for $20 breakfasts. Have to assume that this is actually coming if they're using their logo. Makes you wonder if Zach Divine, the name on the first piece of concept art located in the current Harley Davidson space, is a real name too. Will we be partying at ZD's?
The other piece of concept of art there shows the view from the #1 Bridge from Marketplace, but up high, showing how pedestrians will encounter shops if they follow the new pathway behind Raglan and to the left of Portobello. That website also reports that PI will be divided into three neighborhoods from the 1920's. Fulton's Crab House will look like its docked at a ferry terminal, the Mannequins area will be the industrialized warehouse district and the west end near the #3 Bridge to West Side will feel like an amusement pier.

Check it out for yourself at:


  1. ...or the Silk Road thing fell through so WDW did not officially release that art.

  2. It was mentioned that all the names are just place- making names. They mean nothing. Their there just to make the art more realistic.

  3. They could make up a name and a fake logo to accomplish that but the name and logo they're using duplicates the Silk Road at CityCenter Las Vegas. They couldn't do that without permission and presumably that's because that's what is going into Mannequins.

  4. They shut down their nightclub in Eurodisney aswell. What has Disney got against adults going out clubbing on Disney property?

  5. yes I said that in the other post!

  6. One of my future articles pertains to clubs on Disney Cruise Lines; why they have them and Disney World does not.

  7. It's pretty stupid what they're doing there.
    When they know what adults want, to party and go clubbing.
    Now It's when you have the nightclubs open for partying
    8:00pm to 2:00am.
    So wise up guys and put nightlife back in P.I. or whatever.

  8. I wonder if it's the same Silk Road that is located in the Vdara Resaurant in Las Vegas? If so, they are advertising $39 for Sunday brunch on their website! It seems to include quite a bit but I'm not sure how well that will go over at DTD - unless throngs of people flock to Hyperion Wharf on Sunday mornings..... Maybe they will???

  9. Oops! I meant Vdara Hotel in L.V.

  10. There are some expensive hotels in Orlando (Ritz, Grand Floridian, Peabody, etc) that serve some expensive breakfasts. But in Downtown Disney? Don't see how that could be successful.

    I can see the names being placeholders but the use of a real name and a real logo would be a copyright infringement unless done with permission. And I can only envision permission being granted if they were part of the project.

  11. Forget about PI; its dead and not coming back guys.

    Sad that Disney did it but they apparently don't care what everyone wants.

  12. King Bob @6:31 - yeah, I've stayed at the Grand Cypress before and they offer $20 buffet breakfast. As nice as that hotel is, I prefer a cheaper option! Who do you think they are targeting if in fact this place really comes to DTD? I can't see many families of 4 spending $120 on brunch, plus tax and tip!!!

  13. Pleasure Island is gone and is not coming back. I think we all know that and have hopefully accepted it.

    The burning question I think we all have is whether the new Hyperion Wharf will facilitate a dance club for those wanting the option of adult night time entertainment.

    I think its time to start pounding the pavement and contacting any sources anyone may have to get a straight forward answer to this specific question we ALL have. I have no sources for such information but if anyone does or can get some answers I know we would all appreciate it.

  14. I HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT PI was dead 2 years ago now some of you get it!
    it took this for "you" to understand this?
    I told you that Disney had made up there mind(s) and would NOT reopen PI!
    and I still say lets all find other places to spend our money (not that Disney will care)

  15. From everything I've seen, I doubt a club is coming back. They've been referring to HW as a "Restaurant District". They seem to be all about restaurants, and the restaurant/bar/lounge (ala Paradiso/Raglan Road), but not a "club".

    I'm not sure how Disney claims DTD is short on restaurants; There's roughly 20 places to eat there now.

  16. I doubt Disney really cares how many restaurant seats there are or whether they get filled, as long as some 3rd party pays their rent on time.

    Appears no clubs; the best will be some bars with musical entertainment. CityWalk is so far ahead of the curve on this that they need to be looking at their one remaining empty space for an additional club option.

  17. City Walk didn't put money into there clubs like Pleasure Island did! heck Mannequins cost more to build and fill then the whole City Walk!
    and this is why I loved Pleasure Island! and now Dislike Disney now!!

  18. Well, I think The Groove was pretty state-of-the-art when it first opened; nothing as good as Mannequins but pretty hip nonetheless. Problem is, if you look at old Groove photos from 10 years ago and look at fresh ones, nothing has really been updated. Lot of wasted space upstairs too.

    With PI closed, they're earning excess profits and they need to sink some of that back into the product.
