Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Blog Endorses PUSH for Mayor


Election day in the United States is just one week away! One of the most hotly contested mayoral races is in the City of Bay Lake, Florida, where PUSH and BLANK have been fighting it out for Mayor of Tomorrowland.The 22 residents of Bay Lake will go to the polls to make their selection. PUSH recently picked up key endorsements from EPCOT World Showcase, the Transportation and Ticket Center as well as from Disney's Hollywood Studios. The only new endorsement for BLANK was by Disney's Boardwalk. Pleasure Island (not pictured) is also supporting BLANK which is not surprising considering all the other wrong decisions made out there. But this Blog supports PUSH all the way and thus presents this commercial on his behalf:


  1. Is it weird that I've been to Magic Kingdom dozens of times and have never seen PUSH?!???

  2. Firstr of all I thought the video was decent, but what does all this have to do with Save Pleasure Island?

    Also I hope that "Plan B" "adult themed entertainment" is being put into action.

  3. FunLife,I've been to MK twice this year and saw him both times.

    Anon#1, I try to do one article per day and sometimes it's just a slow PI news day. It's what we in the news business call "filler".
