Friday, October 29, 2010

Club Reports: 80's Night at The Groove

Really slow night last night at 80's Night at The Groove. What people were there remained mostly on the sidelines throughout the night and few ventured onto the dance floor. Perhaps they were mourning the loss of DJ Doc Wells (8TRAX) who no longer works there. My phone died on me so I was unable to get more details. DJ AJ was playing the music; perhaps so many people are partying this weekend that they sat out Thursday night. I noticed for the first time that 80's Night is now Service Industry night too. DJ G-Clef (Celebrate Tonight) at Red Coconut Club had a relatively small crowd too with the club getting a late start following a private event. Latin Quarter was a bit more crowded but slow compared to most Thursdays; ditto for Margaritaville.


  1. Doc's gone ? what happened, Citywalk's decision or was he stretched too thin still working at Church street ?

  2. Yes, please keep us in the loop on Doc....

  3. Opening night of the new arena and it was packed. More than likely had something to do with low turn out.

  4. The DJ's at CityWalk are not CityWalk employees. Most are employees of DJ AJ's company. AJ has the DJ contract out there for many of the CW clubs. AJ had no official comment on Doc's departure.

    I had not thought about the impact a Magic game could have on CityWalk attendance. But you're probably right.

  5. Hey Bob! No, I don't think the arena opening had anything to do with the crowd....completely different people....if anything, maybe the downtown clubs would have been affected, not City Walk. I think you were right on thinking that everyone will be partying extra this weekend for Halloween.....
