Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PI Update: Nothing Really New

Some days I have this desire to be anonymous and get lost in the crowd. So tonight I was thinking, what better place to get lost in the crowd, than beautiful Pleasure Island.

Except there were no crowds. It wasn't empty by any means but it was noticeably emptier than last week's visit. Extensive work continues on the #1 Bridge to PI. This is definitely a widening project. Maybe a wider bridge is needed for all the demolition equipment they're going to be bringing in!

You're probably sick of pictures of Motion but it's really the only club with access. Here we see it in yet another banquet mode. Blog roving reporter William reports fresh paint to parts of Mannequins.

The human statues were on Pleasure Island tonight. Still the same two though.

And the same entertainment options in Celebration Plaza. Haven't seen any new acts in a month so apparently the finalists are getting all the gigs now. Like the statues, they each do alternating half-hour sets. I doubt she will be singing "Bad Girls" anymore!

Labor day weekend is coming and with hurricanes going elsewhere for a change, we should have good weather. I'll be posting some local options tomorrow.


  1. not any good news.....

  2. Now wait!
    Someone (not going to say there Name(s)) said that you could see into down onto the floor in Mannqeuins? I know that you don't have easy access but still from what they "said" you can! so what happend to the pics from this? still have never seen these pics?
    I know that this (these) people are going to start a war of words again?

  3. KingBob - very intelligent angle on the bridge widening! Makes sense that they would need to lay out the ground work for demolition/construction. Looks like some things could be in the works, despite recent comments from unconfirmed sources. Thanks for staying on top of things - even if things are slow at the moment...

  4. Anon at 11:33pm, when you look in the upstairs door, you can see "down" enough to see the mannequin hanging there. You can't see the dance floor. You can also see the mannequin still hanging in that upstairs bathroom lobby. The only pics from inside Mannequins were posted early this year and there you can see the floor.

    Jeff, a lot of maintenence equipment currently comes in via the #2 Bridge and they can get to RRBC and the front of Motion that way. But to get to the rear of Motion they would need to come in via the #1 Bridge. The way it was built with three sections, that likely limited things. So it's possible the widening could be related to future demolitions. But I'm just speculating. They could bring in the wrecking ball via barge too. HAVE SOME GRANDY'S CHICKEN FOR ME!

  5. KingBob - It looks like some pretty significant widening from the photos. Maybe it is a step towards getting some heavier stuff in there. I'd imagine they will have to do some work from the water side as well. Yum!! Grandy's - I haven't been in a long time but perhaps you've inspired me! I live downtown and it's hard to get past some of the really good places that have popped up over the past few years. To that note, who'd have thought that downtown Gainesville would be more alive than Pleasure Island! I never would have guessed that in a million years......

  6. so that streetside PI sign is still going??...I assume all the cleverness is gone though. You almost wonder why they've even keep the PI name going instead of absorbing it into either Westside or the Marketplace

  7. One of the original rumors was that they were going to just call the entire complex DOWNTOWN DISNEY and do away with separate section names. That has never happened and everything seems to indicate keeping all 3 names. Expensive bridge construction shows a willingness to keep Pleasure Island an island.

  8. At least a year ago I heard from a now former CM that the initial plan was to go with DTD branding throughout, but there is some sort of legal issue with the 3rd party tenants who have spent money advertising themselves as "at Pleasure Island." She seemed to think it might be in their contract, but my guess is a smart lawyer would call that a "material change" in circumstances and try to break the lease. Either way, it comes down to holding Raglan, Curl, et al hostage.

  9. Makes a lot of sense. For one, AMC PLEASURE ISLAND 24 would make no sense without a Pleasure Island.
