Thursday, September 30, 2010

PI: Never Forget

The link to this video was posted in the Comments earlier this week by reader Zulemara. In case you didn't see it, check out this Mannequins scene on the Final Night, two years ago this week:


  1. Oh, watching these videos makes me reminiscent, sad, and angry.

    That club was so awesome. I still can't believe they closed that "award-winning" place.

    Curse you, Diznee!

  2. It still sends shivers up and down my body. Its this "hope" that makes me feel that maybe one day, someone will reconsider and make it happen again. This club was the one and only club with so much to offer. It was made for "everyone". No matter who or what you were. It showed no difference. Bring back my "home" again.............

  3. Never forget Disney doesn't care about (you)

  4. Pleasure Island has been over and done with two years ago! B.E.T. Soundstage was my favorite Club. My money is Green, and it spends all over the world, forget about Disney,when I visit Orlando again I will spend my money at City Walk, they will take good care of me! Stupid A..Disney gave all their Adult Entertainment dollars to their competition that is Universal. Go Disney!

  5. Pleasure Island will never come back! Forget about Disney, spend your dollars where the are appreciated like at Universal City Walk! Disney doesn't care about you!

  6. anon's about 1200 am
    so true so true!
    3rd party don't want to rent the buildings cost toooooo much to redo the way they want it so why would Disney want to! if Disney wanted to reopen Disney would have never closed PI Disney would have done a rehab not closed!

  7. The video certainly shows just how amazing Mannequins was. I've been in clubs that are supposedly in the world's Top 10 such as Pacha, Ministry of Sound, Guvernment. NONE of them compare to what Mannequins had. Seriously, Disney imagineers created something incredible here. It COULD get reopened if they wanted to.

  8. yes your right IF they wanted to but it will NOT!
    IF they do I think PI should moved!

  9. Well, we know WHY PI was closed.
    It made some money, but they management saw bigger dollar signs from closing it and leasing out the space.
    The thing I don't understand is why you would close the place if you had no concrete replacement plan and signed contracts. The 3rd parties could have always broken the contracts, but hey, at least Disney mgmt wouldn't look so stupid as they do now.

    I wonder how long the clubs will sit empty before some higher execs say enough already.
    Knowing Disney, the accountants have analyzed it and determined the cost of reopening the clubs is greater than the profit.
    However, they don't quantify the "soft" rewards like Guest service, quality attractions, etc.
    How much money does Space Mountain make on it's own? 0.

  10. Space Mountain used to make money when it was sponsered by RCA...(a tradition on the move, welcomes you to Space Mountain)...LOL! Maybe Disney should look into sponsers for the night clubs! Mannequins - Brought to you by Mountain Dew...8 Trax - Brought to you by Old Spice...Comedy Warehouse - Brought to you by Comedy Central... Just some thoughts! Maybe Disney could hook up with one sponser for the entire island... "Six Flags brings you Pleasure Island"... :-)

  11. Thank you for posting this...
    I hear there are few plans for pi locations but I don't know what. Definitely third party companies though.

    Hoping tom staggs is considering at least one main club. The sponsor idea is a good one!

  12. space MT was NOT a club it is a ride!

  13. Mannequins was the BEST nightclub experience EVER - because of the MASSIVE revolving dance floor, the pounding music, the masterful lighting, the refreshing air jets, the eclectic people, and the skilled deejays. Long live its legend !

    Incidentally one of the most popular songs that was played there during the early-to-mid-2000s was loaded with breakbeats, had minimal lyrics, and had a corresponding video display that displayed numbers in lights - 1-2-3-4 / 1-2-3-4 / etc. Does anyone know the actual title of that song as well as the artist ? I'm looking for it after all of these years.

  14. I think you are talking about?
    The Chemical Brothers - Hoops? I think pea pod remixed himself?
    I have looked and looked for it ON youtube

  15. Brian, you are correct. That was indeed Chemical Brothers' Hoops (DJ Peapod remix). You won't find it anywhere. A different remix of that song is in one of the mixes on the DJPEAPOD.COM website but I don't recall which one it is in. But even that version isn't as good as the one he used to play at Mannequins.
