Sunday, September 19, 2010

Club Reports: Bliss, Tabu, Independent Bar

I didn't expand my horizons last night in downtown Orlando, visiting the usual assortment of clubs. There's a bunch I need to visit plus some new ones are opening, so I do need to wander around more. And I will. Last night I stuck with the familiar.

Bliss Ultra Lounge is one of the downtown locales to find danceable House music on Saturday nights and once again the venue was packed to the rafters. While I was there DJ Cheyenne M (pictured) alternated with DJ Chad Andrew (left), taking turns spinning incredible music. Chad Andrew was one of the DJ's at the recent Techno night at CityWalk.

You could barely move inside Tabu Night Club as DJ Richie Rich played Top 40 and Hip Hop to the 102Jamz crowd. He is the Saturday night resident at Tabu but he plays twice at House of Blues SIN in October; October 3rd and Halloween October 31st. There he plays mostly House and Dance and leaves much of the Hip Hop behind!

Spotted a handful of Mannequins-regulars inside Independent Bar along with all kinds of other interesting people. Featuring 80's New Wave/Old Wave, the club wasn't as crowded as it sometimes is but it was nowhere near empty either. DJ Indie John was overseeing the music.


  1. Latin Quarters and the Red Cococunt were both rocking last night. I haven't danced that way in a long time. The music was GREAT. Can't wait to go to Atlantic Dance next week for the Reunion. That should be lots of fun also.

  2. If you like those DJ's, you can hear their House/Dance sets on the internet on Saturday nights.

    DJ Leony from LQ is on at 8pm ET and DJ Smooth from RCC comes on at 10pm ET. Both on

    Thanks for the club reports!

  3. Glad you had fun at the Coconut Saturday night. That was me in the booth. Seemed like it was birthday night..was fun.

  4. Smooth, I still think the music format at Red Coconut is often too much like what is being played 3 doors down at The Groove. I guess it depends on the DJ on duty. And I can recall several nights when I heard songs like BOOM BOOM POW played at LQ, then a few minutes later at TG and then a few minutes later at RCC. It's like they played the CD and then ran the CD over to the next club!
