Friday, August 6, 2010

PI Update: Ultra Lounge Taking Shape

First you see it, now you don't! The last remnants of Celebrate Tonight, the CT shed and the light towers, are gone.

But the rumored small stage wasn't constructed either. What they've done is moved all the new outdoor furniture together into more or less a large circle. Island guests will be able to have a seat on the cushioned wicker sofas or around the large number of tables and chairs that are there now. Hopefully they'll sell a few drinks from nearby Laffers Cantina. The various lounge acts will perform in the middle.

The bushes that were pressed up against the Comedy Warehouse entrance have been pulled out a bit into a semi-circle and planters are placed in front of them. There are just a few visible signs of completed construction work. So is this the ultra-lounge or is more coming? We shall see.


  1. oh yeah that is the PI we all want?

  2. i am getting ready to go out tonight, but its not to pi

  3. PI is waste of time and never will be the adult entertainment complex it once was known for.

  4. It is one thing to have that Ultra Lounge, but Heaven help all of the people if it rains.
    I think it's going to be a mess.

    So I hope they reopen the clubs, so that when it does rain or gets cold "which it does" no one will get wet.
    P.S. We don't anymore shops, we need nightlife.

  5. I know that it has been stated, over and over again but I beleive that it bears repeating - I don't know of anyone, club goers, families, Hell's Angels, Greek Sailors, or anyone on earth who would rather sit outside in the elements and stare at climate controlled buildings in the background. Wake up Disney Execs!!! It's just plain weird...

  6. To whom it may concern. It's very sad to see how Disney has allowed it's self to get to this point. Instead of setting the standard in the industry as in the past it has done. King Bob thank you for showing everyone including Disney just what there missing out on .The pictures of other clubs around orlando are proof that people love to have a good time at night clubs and other Venue. Hopefully one day Disney will realize it's major roll it had again in the Entertainment industry.

  7. ELVEJACO, we all agree with you. The entire thing is so sad.

    But to everyone, this "ultra-lounge" thing is just temporary. I don't know what the permanent changes are though other than the rumored Lighthouse bar/restaurant.

    That's why the email campaign is important and every reader needs to please send one. This is the last chance to influence decision-making!

  8. Thanks KingBob for your support and dedication on this matter. Can you please give all information about email campaign again thanks.

  9. Walked by twice tonight, for what it's worth, still dominated by families with children. Still a good crowd--that future Tiger Beat cover boy sure has developed a following, just exudes charisma--but a long way from bring an "ultralounge."

    And, of course, I head three couples/groups ask my bartender friend where they could go to dance.

  10. the existing structures will become occupied by restaurants and retail, bottom line , when the economy can handle it.there will not be any adult night clubs reinstated at pi, some venues will still be available for banquets

  11. King BoB could you please send a message to Mr, Staggs?
    If possible...
    Tell him we don't need anymore shops and resturaunts.
    What we need and what the people want are adult night clubs and entertainment so the people can party and dance and have fun.

  12. I've already sent my email to Mr. Staggs. No reason to send a second one.

  13. ELVEJACO, the email address is See prior articles for more details.

    71, at some point I hope they rope the ultralounge off and make it adult only but I kind of doubt that's the plan.

    Anonymous at 9:05pm, if you're correct, then PI will remain a dreary place for YEARS to come. If true, what a shame, on Disney.

  14. confirmed that nothing is going to happen, the budget for entertainment has been raised by 25 percent to maintain something going on between the two areas of borders of pi. no plans for demolish, just waiting for contract procurement and economy stability

  15. >confirmed that nothing is going to happen, the budget for entertainment has been raised by 25 percent to maintain something going on between the two areas of borders of pi. no plans for demolish, just waiting for contract procurement and economy stability.

    Thanks for the report but can you tell us the source of this information?

  16. a very reliable inside source that shared much info on what is planned, existing structures will be modified with kitchens for food service venues once contracted out to partnering companies. motion to remain as a banquet hall, others will be stripped of the "night club" effects and minimially changed to accomodate a shop or food venue. disney does not want to spend alot of money on additional transportation costs to move people to just a few venues, ragland, fultons and the rest have lost significant revenue with the state of the area and lack of guest flow and are not happy with no communicated timeline nor concrete plans. sept is worst month for tourists and could cause other delitions from the are. landrys venues are VERY poorly performing also during what is considered high season

  17. Thank you for the information! What I don't understand is with such pressure coming from the public (i.e. PI fans like us) as well as from existing merchants, how can they just sit there and do nothing, just hoping the economy improves? That's a rhetorical question, I'm not quizzing you specifically.

  18. PS: I did not understand this line of your comment:

    "disney does not want to spend alot of money on additional transportation costs to move people to just a few venues."

    Not sure what you're referring to there. Transportation costs for what? Thank you.

  19. disney does not want to add more transportation ie busses to pi do to cost if there are only a few venues to visit, there is no guest draw for what is offered there now..think back that pi had a transportation bus hub to handle guest loads

  20. Anon at 6:07pm: But PI still DOES have a transportation bus hub. While PI itself is dead, the rest of DTD still draws huge numbers and the buses are coming and going anyway. They don't want to develop the Island because it will draw more guests? I still don't get that part of your entry.

  21. amazing, 3 years on.. nothing happening, stores struggling and yet Disney still won't admit what a mistake they have made.

    Can't wait for a few more shops and restaurants to shut down over there due to lack of guests.

  22. On September 28th it will be 2 years, not 3 years.

  23. disney has cut down the number of buses they use and want to hold back on adding additional costs. there will be more businesses that will exit the pi area also, times are not good out there, alot of guests, but not many bags coming out of the marketplace, look in those restaurants, and not just on a fri night, they are empty,

  24. everyone can come over to my back yard and have drinks and sit on some really nice martha stewart patio furniture

  25. We'll be over tonight about 10. Make sure the wine is chilled and that you're fully stocked with mixers.


  27. I'm a cast bartender at port orleans i got a call to come work at downtown cocktail on sunday near Laffer's cantina so i'm guessing that i will be serving drinks at these tables have to see how it goes

  28. I've heard they're supposed to have waiter/waitress service in the ultra-lounge, so that's what it sounds like. Hope you can update us!
