Tuesday, July 13, 2010

PI Update: Entertainment Everywhere

It was another hot and muggy day in Orlando today. Us Floridians put up with 3 months of misery in exchange for 9 months of bliss. But if you're going to be miserable, what better place to be that than beautiful Pleasure Island.

Entertainment now seems to be spread every hundred feet or so across the island and the West Side! Outside Raglan Road we had some Irish step dancers. Outside Paradiso 37 we had a guitar duo. Passing Paradiso later in the evening, the bar/restaurant was playing their Techno tape, something I've heard a number of times there and its the best music on the island, IMO. Eat to the beat!

Outside Soundstage the zither player was gone, replaced with Flamenco. This guy did draw a bit of crowd who cheered each song. He claims to have finished 70th on America's Got Talent. Over at Laffers Cantina we have a new addition: waitress service Yes folks, there is now a server that works the crowd taking drink orders. This young lady normally works at Cirque. Although not said, I imagine they're getting ready for when the ultralounge is installed and they'll need at least a couple servers. No word yet on when the outdoor lounge furniture which sources say has been ordered will arrive on the island.

At Celebration Plaza, a bongo trio. Outside Wetzel's Pretzels, a singing duo. (At least this act gave me something to look at!)

Across from Magnetron, a folk singer drew a large crowd. Not new of course, a singer on the porch at House of Blues.

To be honest with you, one of the larger crowds tonight was on the #3 bridge watching four northern river otters frolicking along the PI shore with Village Lake!

Sources tell me that all these entertainment acts are actually paid auditions. They're paid but they're also auditioning. That's why there are so many different acts. Supposedly the best acts will stay. But for how long will they stay....no one seems to know.


  1. I bet you could just set up some random street act at DTD (without Disney's permission) and it would take them a couple hours to realize you weren't supposed to be there.

  2. ok who wants to take a boombox and follow me with Thriller playing?

  3. Joe, you might be right, lol. Zulemara, only one show per half hour please.

    Actually, there is a coordinator each night running around making sure the performances are taking place on time.

  4. The otters are Disney's best bet. They have a great act, work for clams and aren't union.

  5. A few unauthorized shows would be great! Maybe it would even convince Disney to put the entertainment back inside the clubs and not in front of them......lol

  6. Top left; nice legs.....

  7. Anon at 10:24am: Better yet, I think they feed themselves yet still are family friendly.

    Anon at 6:45pm: Someone looking for their big break to get discovered could pull something like that off. Imagine doing an unauthorized show and having huge crowds stopping and cheering (& buying drinks, of course) before the coordinator figures out the person is not on the show bill for that night!

    Easy Eddy: Are you referring to the girl....or the guy? I wonder if they're really Irish?

  8. How nice...considering the "powers that be" said that our guests no longer were interested in live entertainment or adult beverages. The answer to closing the clubs? A tequila bar with a live entertainment stage and some crappy live entertainment along the walkways where they now have a SERVER serving alcohol. Bring back the clubs, Disney...it's just getting more and more embarassing as we get closer to the two-year mark.

  9. not that anybody really has an answer but how the hell do otters get onto Disney property???....that's a long waddle from shore...or escapees from the old Circus park

  10. >not that anybody really has an answer but how the hell do otters get onto Disney property??

    Same as the fish in the lake....from bird droppings.

  11. This just goes to show you how much the people want the clubs reopen so Wake-up!!
    As they said it's soon going to hit the two year mark.
    So Disney don't you think it's time to finally reopen the clubs so the party people can DANCE and PARTY HARDY!!
