Fresh photos taken of the inside of Motion shows that all those banquet tables & chairs that I posted in my 4/3/10 article have been removed, the dance floor is clear and the famous DJ booth (with equipment) has been placed center stage! Is Motion going to reopen?
Last year this week you'll recall that Motion was rented for a private party featuring DJ Manny Lehman, tied-in with Gay Days. See the 6/7/09 article for event photos. But as far as I know, no PI clubs are available anymore for private rentals and I've seen no mention of any Gay Days or other events at the closed club. So are they gearing up to reopen Motion?
I am scouring my PI sources to see what I can find out. The only information gathered so far is that they had a pirate-themed convention in there a few days ago. But no info about whether the current set-up is related to that convention or whether it means something more. I wouldn't get my hopes up but reopening Motion would be huge in terms of PI fan morale and revenue to Disney. The club looks ready to go!! Can you imagine the crowds Motion would draw!
Unlikely, but...
It seems MOTiON would be the quickest club they could reopen if they wanted to reopen a dance club.
It still has all lighting/audio equipment (unlike the other clubs which have been stripped).
Plus, they have a large foyer and area to sell tickets/cover charge to have a standalone venue (old Wildhorse Merch area in the front).
Plus, it would be an easy format they know works (Top 40, video dance party, similar to ADH).
MOTiON was a very popular club when PI was operational.
Seems if nothing else, they should at least re-open it to convention sales, as it had been unavailable for some time to book.
GREAT POSTING! Can't wait for the related follow ups! Thx KBob!
My idea pitch is to re-open Mannequins (or even just Motion) on weekends and have a different theme each night. House/techno Thursdays, 70's/80's Fridays, and Top 40/Video Saturdays and then do conventions/buyouts during the week. Disney can please its core (former) PI base of all musical tastes, as well as make a couple bucks on special events during the week. Making SOME money is better than making NO money...jus' sayin.
Oh, but then the Disney execs would have to admit they made a dumb decision and swallow their pride... and we know that's not gonna happen.
So, instead, we're left with a bunch of unused, mostly empty buildings...almost two years later.
Celebrate Tonight!
here we go yet again
you post "the windows are blacked out can see in"
now you have pics of inside somewhere you can NOT see in?
so how did these pics come about?
oh i know someone just walked by and got these?
The windows are back open again.
Is this another April Fool's post?
No, it's not. But please pay attention because I've NOT stated that Motion is reopening. I am simply offering that as a possibility based on the current set-up. I'm researching that possibility!
so? how did you get these pics?
Most of the windows are uncovered again. These pics were taken by myself through the windows. Pics were taken late Monday afternoon.
last year they had a pirate themed party and had black on the windows as well, if memory serves, so that explains why there was black on the windows before. Having the DJ booth on the stage certainly opens questions. Knowing the DJ auditions are already done with nothing scheduled, and no immediate bookings that we know of, it does make ya wonder.
They just recently had another pirate themed party. So that is why the windows were blacked out.
As for anything reopening, still nothing yet expect the normal rumors.
sorry I was extremely tired after work. That's what I meant, there was black on the windows last year for the same event, so it makes sense that is why it was blacked out again recently. I guess we just have to keep our ears open about what is happening.
If NBC can admit a mistake by bringing Leno back to the "Tonight Show", then ABC/ESPN/Disney can bring back Pleasure Island!! Keep the hope alive! (BTW; love Conan O'Brien, can't wait for him on TBS.)
I believe we have an answer to why the booth was on the stage, but I will let bob post it as an article. You never know what random person at Unos might have credible information LOL
yes it was a mistake to put Jay Leno on the air not back on just on!
Disney does NOT make mistakes!!!!
never does never did and never will! closing PI was the correct thing to do!
now don't get me wrong I loved PI it's just that Disney knows what they are doing. and knows what people want and or tells you what you want! don't question Disney EVER!!!
While Disney may not admit mistakes, their actions often lead one to believe that they're acknowledging past errors. You have to figure that bringing back Captain EO and the Main Street Electrical Parade is more than a nostalgic move. It certainly can't be their response to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
Planet, the Pizzaria Uno-source information has been conveyed to me however I could not reach my other source downtown today so I'm not ready to update the Motion article.
First of all I agree with Easy Eddie if ABC can bring back Leno then Disney can reopen the clubs.
Hopefully they'll be open for good.
Remember this is Disney "Keep Hoping"
and for you who that Disney brought back the electrical light parade that was plan and or it is family friendly PI is NOT......
Its called proof reading, try it before you press enter. Then maybe someone might actually understand what you are trying to say.
We have many international readers (PI was popular world-wide) so please understand that writing in English is "foreign" for many people. Cut some slack.
Just when I thought it wasn't worth checking the blog anymore; this type of news is refreshing.
yes they did bring back the electrical light parade for a short time!! is that what Disney should do with PI? bring back PI for a short time?
i say NO we should all NOT go to any Disney places and spend NO money!
Well I hate to disappoint but alot of the lighting and video has been removed fromthe club since April. Events in club Motion now rent geaqr and only for special events
Anon at 11:29pm: I understand your frustration but what's good for Disney is good for Orlando. So will continue to support the Mouse despite the ill-advised decision to close the PI clubs.
Anon at 12:41pm: Blog photos taken recently show the large light bridge still in place directly above the dance floor. We know the large number of flat screen monitors were removed shortly after the club closed.
Enjoyed this posting and comments.
thats great KingBob
but that means Disney wins (and BIG "F" you to us!) they can do whatever they want and don't care about US! so if they want they can close more Fun stuff? then what? we still give them our money!
good for Orlando! there is USF Gatorland and many other places (not as big as Disney) but maybe someone else will open something big so we can enjoy!
I do thank you for letting me voice my opinion on here!
Yes, Disney can do what it wants when it comes to their property. Any business owner pretty much can. I'm not happy with their decision to close the PI clubs. That's one of the reasons I started this website. I think they were wrong and history will show that to have been the case. But we can't force them to do anything nor would I want to. My hope is they recognize the error and move to correct it in some way.
so are you going to still buy BP gas aslo! they messed up or will mess u pour beaches! just the same as Disney they messed up our clubs!
Yes, I will still buy BP gas if it's at least a penny cheaper than the station next door.
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