One of my Pleasure Island sources is reporting this evening that the ill-conceived Celebrate Tonight show will be closing as of June 26th. UPDATE: I have now confirmed this through multiple sources.
If you look back at my February 22nd article, I speculated that CT might be closing. At that time I pointed out that CT was no longer listed in the Disney Guidemap for Downtown Disney. I have also related the closing of CT with the beginning of PI demolitions. For instance, if they are going to bring the wrecking ball to the Soundstage/Adventurers Club building, they can't have a street party taking place at Celebration Plaza because pedestrians passing through will need that space to bypass the construction walls that must go up there. So if CT is really ending, perhaps the demolitions are finally going to begin! Or maybe they just are putting Celebrate Tonight out of its misery!
I know the DJ's and staff have worked hard to try to make it work, often in crappy weather. They just did not have much to work with. If they really want to liven up the island, reopen some of the clubs!
Yes! Reopen the clubs, starting with Adventurers Club!
don't waste a club on AC!
It's so simple; reopen a comedy club, reopen one of the dance clubs. There will be activity at night and a restaurant or a shop will want to sign on to be apart of it. Revenue and profits follow. Why is this equation so difficult?
Yeah, we want to dance. Mannequins- we miss you.
and advertise!!!!! PI that is a BIG BIG help!!! that was there BIGGEST down fall!
I have no more information at this time. If anything is going to replace Celebrate Tonight, I'll certainly let you know!
Where does Mannequins Thursday crowd hang out at...it was a fun group..
Celebrate 2nite; good riddance.
One of the biggest PI mysteries is what happened to the Thursday night Mannequins crowd. Shortly after the PI clubs closed, Mannequins DJ Dave Cannalte began a "Mannequins-style" night over at HOB. Logically it should have been a big success....same music and still in DTD. Yet no one showed up. This crowd appears to have scattered in different directions.
i think the thursday night Mannequins crowd didn't go over to HOB is because most are disney works and can't get in for free? and not to the standard of PI?
House of blue's is not gay enough... so where did they all go, out to the local gay clubs mostly.
Gay or not, it was a cool crowd. Nothing like it is now!!! Boring
LOL! Mannequinns was a gay bar! Spent 10 minutes in there and it was splitzville for us. Disney must be politically correct and not address it, but clearly, M'qns evolved into a place that wasn't inline with the family persona that the mouse wanted.
oh HECK no Mannequins was NOT a gay bar thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it just was cast member night on thrusday's that had more "gay" people that worked for Disney!
They didn't call it "Many Queens" for nothing. :)
But that's part of what made it great, and part of why it was perfect for Disney. For a couple hours every night it didn't matter if you were gay, straight, attractive, unattractive, or even a hetro dumbass-can't-dance tourist like myself, you could go and have a great time and feel more or less accepted for who you are... and maybe even find someone else like you.
Of course, having an open mind always helps.
Thursday nights indeed were very gay since it was the original Cast Member night. The other nights were not particularly gay; no more or no less than other clubs around town. But you're right about everyone accepting everyone down there. Mannequins was FIRST CLASS in every way!
I never heard anyone call Mannequins "Many Queens" i guess that was a "gay" thing!
no they did NOT accept you if you where not gay they where very pushy if you tried to get to the bar and get a drink you felt UNwelcome on thursday nights if you where not gay!
Disney did cater to them they would open clubs early on "gay" weekend and would not schedule any private parties on these weekends
Disney allways said they did not but we all know better!
I have to agree with the comment from "Many Queens". I've been at Mannequins many times when visiting Orlando, and never encountered anybody disrespectful. I actually met some cool people to hang with on Thursdays, just for dancing and a few beers, nothing more....
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