Fun night out at Atlantic Dance Hall Friday night as former Motion DJ Talie joined a large crowd of former Motion club patrons for a night of mostly Top 40 and Hip Hop. I got to meet Nino who misses Motion so much, he has the Motion logo tattoo'd on his neck! Awesome!

Besides the Motion crowd, large spring break crowd on hand including a good number of former Mannequins & 8TRAX patrons too. Talie even played a few Mannequins techno songs for us. If you've never been out to ADH, you need to give it a try as it's the only remaining Disney-run dance club in the World. Located at Disney's Boardwalk Resort. Admission is free. Open daily except Su/M.
Motion was addictive!
my beef with motion and BET is that it wasn't unique. You can get that stuff anywhere on any given night. Mannequins playing techno every night and 8-trax playing 70s and 80s every night was unique.
as far as I'm concerned, they could have closed motion and BET and even RRBC and kept mannequins, 8-trax, and CW and kept the same admission price. If they had any REAL vision, that is what they would have done.
OMG...Look at those people, It is no wonder PI closed. If I owned a club and had "regulars" that looked like that, I too would close down shop! I remember being in Motion and watching those idiots try and run the dance floor...they manipulate it as to look like they worked there and where part of PI Entertainment - doing a dance show for the guests.
PualieG, you spelled your name wrong. But you're hilarious nonetheless!
Zulemara, you're being selfish. Every club had its fans. While there are other clubs playing Motion & BET Soundstage music, none of them have the light & sound technology that Disney offered.
I can remember times in BET when it could take close to 10 minutes to get from the door to the bottom of the stairs. I can remember times when Motion would have 200 people doing the Cupid Shuffle in unison on the dance floor. They were unique in their own way!
Okay, I love and miss PI as much as anyone.. but I don't think I'd have a tattoo done that says "Legend" on it of the Motion Logo. I mean, that's just a little on the crazy side of things.
Yeah, the tattoo is way too big. A little smaller, it would be ok
ALL of the clubs at the old Pleasure Island were unique in their own individual ways. I think the fact that the people changed almost nightly (tourist-heavy) made our clubs unique from most of the downtown and suburban clubs.
I frequented ALL of the clubs during my P.I. days. Each of them entertained me with their music, their deejays, their LIVE shows, etc. I had my two favourites too - 8-TRAX and Mannequins.
As far as 'manipulating' the dance floors and making it 'look like we worked there and were part of P.I. entertainment' well I think that was one of the best qualities of the old P.I. Each of the clubs had their fans, and they allowed you to be yourself and take over the dance floors and do your thing as if you owned just a small piece of the action. That was a good thing - not a bad thing. It was always an awesome feeling to be able to return back 'home' again to Mannequins.
I remember back during the peak of Mannequins when you couldn't even FIT on the MASSIVE revolving dance floor because there was simply no more room left ! But I had just as much fun watching everyone do their thing. As space was freed-up on that dance floor I got to do my thing.
Good Times Indeed !
Major, you are so correct! Those of us who were "regulars" at whatever clubs we frequented were made to feel special by management, bar staff, even security. We were all part of the Disney family, even if we weren't CM's. I don't anyone ever being accused of manipulating the dance floors!
Interestingly, Friday night at ADH a tourist from Indiana came up to me while I was standing in "my spot" adjacent the stage and asked if the (Motion) group dancing their routines were employees. I explained the PI story to her and how many now go to ADH. She was so impressed by the dancing and jealous that she could do none of it. She wanted to learn some of it but Last Call had already been announced. She was hoping some of those regulars would also be there Saturday night as she did not have a car & thus did not have the ability to go to The Groove. I think all the on-lookers are impressed with the synchronized dance routines.
ADH drink: $6.50
Admission to P.I.: $21.95
Locking eyes with a stranger @ 8TRAX to the tune of A'ha's "Take On Me": priceless!
EasyEddy, DO TELL!
Watch me crank it, watch me roll.
What a waste of a nice club.
Yes, ADH is a beautiful facility. And it's very underutilized.
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