We're told that Motion is still being used for various Disney CM meetings. Indeed, it is set-up in a banquet setting in these photos.

What is ironic, the extensive lights and sound systems are still installed and presumably operational. That means Motion could immediately be turned into a dance club with a minimum of effort and expense. The light bridge pictured above is directly above the dance floor. Think of the revenue they could be earning, even if temporary.

Also ironic is that the last rumor batch had Motion (and RRBC) coming down first. Yet Motion is the one building least ready to come down. Left: North bar Right: View towards stage.

Is the building still called Motion? Apparently yes, as the old Motion logo still adorns the walls near the downstairs restrooms. We got fresh Mannequins pics in January and now Motion. If anyone can supply current pics from inside RRBC, 8TRAX, BET, AC or CW, please email them to me!
If you've never seen it, there's a few photos of AC, post-prop gutting on wdwmagic.
The removed all the "important" stuff (presumably to send to HKDL).
Yeah, I think Sarge emailed the bottom photo to me and I posted it here on the Blog at the same time he posted the entire set at WDW Magic.
I can't believe anything you post anymore.
I am with you a little bit Anon. 8:20pm because of the "Mannequins" pics? I have talked to a person that used to work @ disney and knows people that still work there and said that there is nothing left in Mannequins when the "pictures" that you had send to you in Janurary! not even the hanging Mannequins that you can see in the PICS!!!!
For the love of god, not all the Mannequins were removed, just the ones owned by the entertainment dept (that would be the ones attached to the rigging line sets, that lit up) the rest, are mounted to the walls.
What's so hard to believe that Disney just lets the buildings sit there empty. They did it before, how long did Horizons sit, show ready in most cases, but locked up?
ummm if anyone walking by looks in the 2nd floor of mannequins, you can clearly see the mannequins hanging up. It is not completely empty. All it takes is the balls to go over the little chain and anyone can see it.
as a follow up, you can either believe hard pictures that were determined based on the photo image headers to be taken in late January, or you can believe some former Disney CM who knows someone who still works at Disney, who obviously doesn't know wtf he/she is talking about. Idk, it seems like an obvious choice to me, but what do I know? I just watch the island like a hawk, I know nothing!
this CM says the same about you and Bob that you don't know anything???? so we (anyone) has to just believe you over them? why just because you say you watch the island like a hawk? the CM knows uppers @ Disney and talks with them but you watch it like a Hawk you are more believable than them? I tend to believe them a little more than you. and yes I know that Disney had empty buildings on Disney propty that is not the issue.
photo...headers...with...date. You're telling me this person says there are no mannequins inside mannequins, yet if you walk up to the 2nd story door, you can see one smack dab in front of the door hanging up. So obviously, that person is wrong.
I don't know how to read headers on photos but I do know digital photos have them. Regarding the January photos of Mannequins, someone emailed me after I posted them and told me the date & time the photos were taken and the type of camera that was used to take the pics. I don't know how to find that data but some people obviously can. And the Mannequins photos were FRESH. Is the dance floor still in there...YES. Are there still Mannequins in there...YES.
As for the Motion photos, they are FRESH. Just look in the windows and you can see what is in these photos for yourself. It's just that these pics were taken from further inside.
And I'm sorry if posting a clearly marked April Fools joke has ruined my credibility to some of you. This Blog is a lot about rumors and rumors have no credibility anyway. Get over it. Geeze.
We all know the Island is never coming back in the same manner we used to know it. However, who knows what'll happen next. Honestly, I don't think Disney quite knows otherwise they would have made some announcements.
It's likely that all deals with OPs haven't been formally signed, and that's why nothing has been announced.
Until then, we can be a little optimistic that maybe something "could" reopen, if only temporary.
yes, it's unlikely, but Horizons and Body Wars temporarily re-opened after being closed; a better example is Carousel of Progress which came back when it looked like it may have been closed permanently.)
The simplest answer is if you don't like what you see or read on this blog... don't read it.
Believe whatever you want.
you just an angery person! you believe what Bob tells you and you say that you have seen the mannequins in the club!
but this other person believes what there source tells them!
you can get angery about it and it will do you no better this person can do the same it does him no better?
we could get every one together and talk but that would do no good so just get over it.
you say obviously wrong well I guess not you CAN NOT prove it. you can only state your opinoin "in your case the truth" and never prove the to anyone else what they want to.....
just looks like this one Anonymous person and Zulemara like to tick each other off! because Zulemara has his source tell him things and "looks" in Mannequins claims to see the Mannequins still there and the Anonymous has his source tell him other wise???? so do we believe ? and does it make any difference? and even if the Mannequins are there IT'S CLOSED
this blog it here for Bob to give us what he has heard and what other people have heard and going back and forth about it is not going to make untruths true!
Well put, Anon directly above.
For what it's worth, if you do go past that chain and look into the upstairs doors, you can see one of the mannequins attached to that metal "tower". And in the January inside pics that I posted, I believe that's the very mannequin you can see hanging there on the opposite side of the dance floor from where the photo was taken from.
I'm arguing because I'm right. period. There are mannequins hanging right above the 2nd story entrance! I'll go take a flippin video if I have to!
Someone obviously put his/her self on the line getting those mannequins pictures and motion pictures and then to have some friend of a friend of a disney cm who obviously is wrong(again, would you all like a video of me walking up to the 2nd story doors??) discount those pictures would probably be a little disheartening to the people who took the pictures.
still don't listen still ANGRY!
you say you are Correct well then get A video then!? then that will quiet the NA sayers!? like i said before there are some CM's who say this and some that say that?
I saw the pics and....... I can see the Mannequins hanging but you can NOT prove 100% when they where thaken. i can set my camrea! to whatever date i want! and download and send (just saying)
or anyone with 2 feet can walk up to the building and see the mannequin hanging
Anon #1 your obviously a little disturbed if you are unwilling to believe your eyes (in ohter words go look for yourself). I have also seen all that the pics portray recently by looking in the club windows. You need to go grind your axe somewhere else. I happen to enjoy Bobs updates, if you do not then go else where.
Not all readers are in Orlando to be able to walk up and look in.
Thats why pictures are taken for those who do not live in orlando Moron( not name calling just addressing the persons identity). Those who live in orlando and frequent the Island can verify what is in pictures. Some people are so obtuse. Moron if they choose not to believe the residents then so be it.
I looked at the email someone sent me after the Mannequins pictures were posted. That person told me the headers indicated the pics were taken on January 26, 2010 with a Kodak camera.
Yes, the date stamp on a camera can be set anytime you want. But think about it. If you think the pictures were actually taken a year or so ago, that would have required someone a year or so ago to have the foresight to future-date a picture....for what purpose? So that we could have this argument in 2010? That makes no sense. The Mannequins pictures were fresh.
they put in the wrong date with out knowing? put in 2009 and hit the button one more time and got set on 2010 and not 2009! most people do not know how to set the time and date. most just take pictures and could care less about it? not to say that what is going on? but it is possable? if this person did this they just wanted to be "the one" who got the pics?!?!?!?
do you think that what i am saying/asking inpossable?
I wish Disney would read this and realize how compassionate we all are about PI is/was to us? if we wheren't we wouldn't be on here raeding and going at each other sometimes?
A year or so ago this Blog got blocked on Disney servers because they didn't like some of the things that were being posted. I have no idea if that's still the case. Perhaps someone with a laptop picking up a wi-fi signal from a Disney source could tell me if they can get to this website.
Disney wireless is generally not open to Guest usage.
There's a good possibility this site is blocked, but not because it's "PI", but because it's "blogger.com". That's not a site most employees with Disney issued computers would need to access. Those who do need it somehow for their job may have an exception to do so.
Additionally, there are LOTS of different blogs on blogger, many with Adult content. Most Internet proxies block the main domain, and don't get granular with the individual pages.
Disney, like many corporations, simply have non work-related websites blocked from access (blogger, facebook, etc).
It seems to me that king bob at times is making things up to keep us coming to his web site. I don't believe this web site is trust worthy any more.
10:52am ANON: Employees used to be able to view this website. Disney blocked it following one of my entries which perhaps was a little too negative to their liking. A Disney employee who works in the corporate offices in Celebration told me this.
10:56am ANON: Yes, I make a lot of money from all the advertising on this website so it's important that everyone keeps coming back. Don't believe what I post? I refer you back to the semi-annual Disclaimer last posted on 1/1/10. Read it.
Yeah I am cancelling my expensive annual membership to Save Pleasure Island because I think your making stuff up. You have become a greedy capitalist and lost all of your journalistic values going after that almighty dollar. In fact I am going to start a "Save the" Save pleasure island blog to try and counteract all this greedyness. Please point me to the refund desk!
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