Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Club Report: EPCOT New Years Eve

Here are a few internet pictures from New Years Eve at EPCOT. Yeah, it's not really a club but on NYE two of the pavilions become dance clubs of sort. Outside Italy local DJ Mark Sanchez (pictured above) spins House music.

At the same time over at China local DJ Dominick Morrison, formerly of Mannequins, spins Dance and House. (pictured left)

The lighting and pyrotechnics are supposed to be beyond belief. I may need to check this place out for NYE 2010/2011!

Big thanks to loyal readers Jorge & Marcie for forwarding the photos via e-mail.


  1. I'll either be at Pulse or EPCOT next NYE. I look forward to it!

  2. DJ Dominick is not as good as everyone says he is! OK in my opinion! I have heard him in Mannequins Mondays and I have heard him in Mannequins on Saturday nights (when PEA POD) was off or sick. man I hated his music play he would play stuff that you have heard of but the top 40 version not the better club version and that is why I do NOT like him! that is one DJ I will NOT miss!

  3. I've heard him in Vintage a few times now and thought he was GREAT!

  4. He's pretty good, he does like to play more into the hard electro synth stuff, but he will do Top40 mashups and remixes too.

    Here's a thought, be thankful that at least some of the former PI DJ's have gigs with Disney and are still doing it.

    PeaPod didn't make it, last we knew he was heading to Canada to start a new life.

  5. Peapod in Canada ? I thought he was interviewing around Orlando. Where did this info come from ?

  6. I like the hard electro synth stuff! he did NOT play that stuff when I was there when he was in Mannequins! but that was years ago! unless he has learned something new.......

  7. I know that City Walk (the groove) wanted to hire PEA POD. but he wouldn't play the stuff like they do in the groove so they didn't hire him

  8. The deal with The Groove was true. Peapod was going to spin there two nights per week. I even sent out one of my BREAKING NEWS e-mails to those on my e-mail list. But it fell through when he was told that he'd have to mix Hip Hop in with his House/Dance music. He remained loyal to his genre and declined the opportunity.

    I received an email from DJ Peapod today and I assume he's in Orlando but the subject did not come up. There is no indication that he's up in Canada but I really don't know.

  9. I spent most of my NYE in China with DJ Dominick playing and like it or hate it, what he played and what I felt reminded me more of Mannequins than anything has since its closure. The lighting, the CO2, the rib-cage-rattling bass, Mannequins truly did live once again (minus the rotaing floor and Dawn's killer drinks). I was never Dominick's biggest fan at PI but it was great to hear him play at Epcot...I already can't wait for next year!

  10. DJ DOM???
    the old Mannequins or the newer? that will tell me a lot?

  11. DJ Dominick Morrison was the Monday through Wednesday night DJ at Mannequins during the final years.
