Saturday, December 12, 2009

Club Report: Atlantic Dance Hall

DJ Doc Wells led the hit parade at Atlantic Dance last night to a relatively crowded club. I say relatively crowded because it was crowded to me based on my previous visits to ADH but I was told that some recent Friday nights were even more crowded. With PI gone, this is the only Disney run dance club on property and it's always a great feeling to be partying with the Mouse. The music is request-driven Top 40 with a little techno and hip hop thrown in. Great drinks! See the New Years Eve listing below too.


  1. Great drinks??? Like every other location on property there is no red bull( I understand about the contract thing). Not to mention the drink prices. I will say the place beats no Disney night club. If I was you I'd keep it quiet, if Disney catches wind that people enjoy going they will close it down for sure!

  2. I paid I think 6.50 for a long beach and it was a REAL long beach with multiple liquors. I was trashed!
    And who's that good lookin guy doin thriller? :-)

    Glad you fired that other photographer bob. No more PUI!

  3. Hmmm on drink prices. I checked receipts and my call brand Gin & Tonic was $7.00; $6.50 at The Groove. So it is a little bit more.

    ADH not going anywhere though until 2013 at the soonest. It's under contract to the Swan & Dolphin hotels at least until then. You won't see Disney advertise the place so growing crowds will all be via word-of-mouth.

    Sources tell me that revenue at ADH increased $300,000 over prior year during Disney's fiscal year 2009 which began right after PI closed. Of course no telling how many $millions revenue was down at PI during the same period.

    None, yeah. The new photographer seems to hold his liquor better! But he missed a shot of those 2 girls doing the Thriller dance in unison with you. He's got to pay better attention!

  4. I was told by PI uppers that they didn't put out ads. they used to. I saw a few of them in the past.

  5. They may have. I had no need for ADH though when PI was open so I really never paid attention to it.

  6. ADH has had very little ads over the years. What has been done in the past, was more of a "by the boots" effort to get the word out.

    I would not mention it to much, just let everyone enjoy the only dance club left on Disney property.

  7. Great Drinks yes...Dance club....NO! Everytime I have been there the DJ is uninspired at best. Even Doc just went through the motions! It's a great venue, they just need to get some real talent in there! Not saying Doc is bad, Disney just needs to let him do his job!
