It didn't take long for demolition to begin after the fences were installed yesterday. I was out on the island this evening and took these shots. Above we see the demolition of the former PI Live DJ booth atop Sosa Cigars. Island sources told me the entire light bridge and towers are coming down. Sources also say that Sosa is not going to have to close or move elsewhere during construction. Also, contrary to rumors, they are not getting an upstairs smokers patio but instead will have a ground-level patio with tables and chairs wrapping around their building.

Meanwhile work also began today on the demolition of the stairs/fire escape outside Mannequins. They've started with the canopy on the forward stairs that led to the 2nd Floor. Presumably, once done they will move to the rear stairs that led to the 3rd Floor.
They better not lay a hand on 8TRAX; I would be there like an enviormentalist protecting a tree!!
I'll be there with you and I know many others who would too.
8TRAX whatever?*&%*%$ Mannequins is the sad one to see go! Mannequins is the one that made Most of the money for PI for years
I am sad about Mannequins too, believe me!!
I hear that! I saw Dawn (Mannequins Bar tender) she is doing good! saw her last sat nite!
Is Dawn still working out at AKL?
Yes she is go see her sometime saturdays only.
Dawn is still there from the last post
Well if she's tending bar then she would be easier to see and chit chat with than if she's doing a waitress job in one of the restaurants.
Dawn bar tendens Saurday only! she is a server the rest of the time.
So, I was at DTD Friday around lunchtime, and was walking to the parking lot past the Cirque building. A couple passed by I overheard the guy remark "...and there's this nightclub with an amazing light show, we should come back tonight."
Now, he didn't SAY Mannequins, but is there any doubt?
Add two more to the list of people you disappointed last weekend, Disney Management.
The last time I was on the island I saw a girl point at Motion to her husband or boyfriend and say something along the lines of "Top 40 club". That's the only part I heard so I don't know if she was telling him IT USED TO BE A TOP 40 CLUB or it IS A TOP 40 CLUB.
Latest rumors have it coming down in Spring, 2010 along with RRBC.
I talked to 2 ladies on sat nite @ Animal kingdom lodge @ Victora Falls lounge (bar) they said they almost went to downtown disney they wanted to goto the P.I. clubs I told them that it was closed they didn't know and where sad to hear this news they have come to Florida for years and had been to PI and said they will miss PI
We all miss it. It's difficult to believe that this large business with a CAPTIVE audience is letting so much money get away; either not spent or spent at competitors. The whole reason PI was created was to stop the flow off property.
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