Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No Mannequins Reunion

I regret to inform everyone but it's not going to be possible to hold a Mannequins Reunion event during September. While I was able to secure a great venue to hold it in, DJ Peapod is not going to be available for it. He is doing some serious job-hunting that is going to take him out-of-town and he's not able to commit to specific dates of being back in Orlando. I also like Mannequins' Thursday night DJ Dave Cannalte but I'm not confident I could sell 300 tickets which is what it would have taken to break-even with Peapod. This was not a profit-making event for me but I didn't want to lose $thousands either. The stars just did not align for this great Dance music event to happen. :-(


  1. I hate to say it but this site is one disappontment after another. I'm really hoping for some good news soon!

  2. I think DJ Dave Cannalte is better than DJ pea pod. I wish i knew where Scott Summers was! now he was the best DV8 DJ Mannequins ever had!!!!!

  3. Anon #1, sorry to disappoint you but it is highly unlikely that there will be ANY good news when it comes to Pleasure Island. Things look very bleak. And it is indeed unfortunate that I could not get a Mannequins Reunion put together...but at least I tried.

    Anon #2, Scott Summers is before my time here so I don't know him. I think Dave Cannalte was excellent too.

  4. you know the next best thing to do is a NYE party! and tell all of the P.I. and Mannequins people!!!?

  5. darn, I was hoping pea pod would stick around so I could hire him for Club Steam

  6. well to be honest for NYE the best place is Epcot, the main reason is is because each country had a DJ with a stage and lights and stuff. so its really 8 different night clubs. china is a fire dragon with C02 comming from it and italy has lazars and light show there both playing techno, America has latin/salsa music , world showcase has lights and some c02 with hip-hop/techno. and havent been to other countrys because i get stuck in italy because of the hardcore dance music. here is a link sample from youtube of the event. see for your self!!

  7. yes I've been in EPCOT twice and can vouch for the music and light show. In fact I opted for EPCOT over PI in 2007. Had I known it was the last NYE at PI, I might have changed my mind, but oh well.

  8. Truly a depressing turn of events for Pleasure Island. A big thank you to KingBob for the blog and providing some sort of closure. Maybe I missed it, but is there some sort of email or phone number to voice an opinion to Disney. Maybe a blog posting that details who replaced Kevin Landsbury.

  9. epcot is a nice idea but it costs to much to get in a house party or something like this is better! oh and then you have to buy the HIGH cost drinks at epcot also!

  10. Thanks everyone! NYE is something to keep in mind but I know a lot of places are only open for their expensive admission parties. Remember that even PI on NYE cost more than an entire AP.

    We don't know where DJ Peapod will end up but if he ends up in Orlando, I can try again.

  11. I was sad to hear it closed. I live out west and miss everyone at PI.
    Scott Summers
