Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do You Know Disney's Best Kept Secret?

Do you know Disney's best kept secret? No, it's not the timeshares they keep trying to peddle. Everyone knows about them. Disney's "best kept secret" is actually what was planned for Pleasure Island before the economy tanked.

Maybe the reason not a single rumor was ever leaked about what was coming to the Island was because in reality, NOTHING was planned. (Besides Paradiso 37, of course) You see whenever anything is going to happen at Disney World, there are ALWAYS rumors. Bus drivers are famous for telling them as are bartenders, bathroom attendants and ride operators. Yet following the PI closure announcement nothing was ever leaked. That's impossible at Disney. So the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that there really wasn't anything planned. Disney simply had some broad ideas of outsourced vendors opening some shops and restaurants but nothing was ever contracted. And because nothing was finalized there were no rumors. And then when the economy did collapse, no one came forward to open anything.

This is the only thing that makes sense. Disney's best kept secret: There were never really any plans for Pleasure Island.


  1. i totally agree. kevin should really get the boot. i mean, they coulda made PI into what it was back in its hayday if they really wanted to. they upped the age, opened it up to the public, and prices for drinks increased. its a shame they went through all that. signs havent been removed, nothing has come of that place. i hope kevin gets some common sense back into him and rethinks the closing.

  2. I completely agree. Bring back the clubs already.
    The stupidity employed at Disney amazes me. They don't deserve the paycheck.

  3. I completely agree! He should get the boot. The clubs could be producing Disney money instead of just sitting there. What an idiot! He really didn't think that far in advance. My best guess is that they will eventually open at least 1 club back up and if that does well, which we know it will, they will consider opening more back up.

  4. The reopening of ANY club on the island would be hugely popular and would be packed every weekend, regardless of whether Disney reopens it or someone else.

    It will be interesting to see what happens with Paradiso 37 which supposedly will turn into a Latin club later at night. (not confirmed though)

  5. I was on the island last night and was given info that paradiso 37 is slated to open "the first full week of june" How interesting that it's the week of gay days

  6. Latin music. Get the eff out of here. Who wants to listen to that garbage? Bring back Mannequins and house music.

  7. Many House songs have their roots in Latin. It can be difficult at times to tell whether a song being played is a House song or a Latin song.
