Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CityWalk Annual Pass Reminder

If you have not already converted your Pleasure Island Annual Pass into a CityWalk Annual Pass, this is a reminder that the deadline to do so is 12/31/08. It's not really an Annual Pass; when it first came out just before PI closed, the 3/31/09 expiration gave you over 6 months of free admissions. Now we're down to just over 3 months of free admissions. But since CityWalk's nightly all-club admission price is $11.99 + tax per night, this is still a great FREE bargain.

Originally your PI AP had to be unexpired to take advantage of this deal but I'm aware of a couple people now who took their expired PI AP and was issued the CW AP. So don't miss out! Go to ticket office on the left side of CityWalk as you come in, just beyond the Endangered Species store.

So far CityWalk is not selling an Annual Pass. They said they plan to do so. Perhaps as we get closer to the expiration of our free passes, they'll start offering one for sale for the next 12 month period.


  1. The Universal Premium Annual Pass does offer free CityWalk club access. You can bring a guest Sunday through Thursday.
