Friday, August 8, 2008

CityWalk Makes Play For PI Regulars

Home delivery copies of today's Orlando Sentinel (Friday, August 8) included a sticker/pass redeemable for a Universal CityWalk Party Pass. Valid for Florida residents only, the Pass gets you into all of the clubs at CityWalk for one night and has a value around $12. It is valid until 12/31/08.

Unfortunately the Sentinel editions at newsstands that I checked did not include the sticker since I would have bought at least 10 more. Apparently this was for home delivery editions only......LOCALS.

Clearly this is the first salvo by Universal to get locals to make CityWalk their new "partying" location once Pleasure Island closes. There is a lot of speculation about where current PI regulars are going to go and it looks like Universal wants us.

Bravo to Universal for recognizing that if Disney is going to give up hundreds and hundreds of local customers for free, they're happy to take them! And what better way to introduce or re-introduce locals to CityWalk than by giving them a free ticket!

Another coupon in Orlando Sentinel's Friday, August 15th edition.
Another coupon in Orlando Sentinel's Friday, September 5th edition.

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